Rocky's way

He is known as Datuk Ahiruddin Attan. He is also widely known as Rocky.

To me, he's Sir.

I started stringing for Mailsports the same time Rocky took over Datuk Fauzi Omar's position as the editor-in-chief.

It was sometime in 2000 when Rocky and I shared the same lift heading down to the lobby at Balai Berita when he asked; "How are your studies coming along? Are you getting your claims on time?"

Not many in his position would do so. I dare say.

I remember nervously picking up the phone, dialing his number and asking him for advice when I wanted to buy my cruiser. I knew nothing about big bikes. And I remember him saying;

"Are you going to sell your car? You better keep your car or your mom will kill you."

The next day he sent a good friend Harris Adam to the motorcycle shop and I got a good bargain for the bike.

I remember then sports editor Tony Mariadass asking me to shop around for a riding jacket as a farewell gift for Rocky. We got it at a good price from the regular shop in Pertama and got the words ROCKY sewn on the back of the jacket. He's been using it ever since, except for the NSTP Charity Ride that the both of us participated last Saturday.

Why am I writing all this?

When I read his comments after the Redberry City launch last Thursday, I smiled.

This is what he was quoted saying in The Paper That Cares;

● Redberry media group adviser Datuk Ahirudin Attan: "What I hope for is better welfare for the workers and an even better coverage for society."

He could have been a politician and said something soothing to the owners' ears. Instead, he stated the obvious.

Not many in his position would do so. I dare say.

And I'm still smiling.

HD says: It was a good ride sir.


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