'Small hockey clubs are dying in Ipoh'

Is that so?

Apparently some of the complaints are;

"Funds being blocked" and "unable to book pitch (Sultan Azlan Shah hockey stadium) despite no one using them".

The excuse that smaller clubs can't use the pitch; "They could spoil it."

A blog follower asked; "Can they do such things?" I'm unsure to who 'they' are here. But - if true that is - perhaps the Perak HA, the folks managing the stadium and even the Perak State Sports Council could shed some light.

Clubs are the best way to promote sports and once again - if such claims are true - then it will only frustrate development at the lower levels.


HD says: Must visit Ipoh soon....


  1. Must see Sultan Azlan for first class book.

  2. it's true.. Ipoh Lads club was one of the victims.. We were not allowed to use the inside pitch.. Among the excuses given by a PHA oficial are our juniors are spoiling the pitch and this pitch is funded by royal family and The royal family does not allow any development program to be held in the main stadium.. We have to shift our schedule to the outside pitch but the problem is that the outside pitch is booked by some other clubs without utilizing the pitch. We had to change our program to the morning schedule. Before this we had 60 students and now after all this problems we have only 20 students. Perak was the power horse of hockey those days and it's dying now because of this.

  3. Confused....wondering why there's a need to meet Sultan Azlan Shah.....wasn't it build to develop and encourage sports in Perak? Wouldn't this demotivate the young generations?

  4. Folks, I know for a fact that Sultan Azlan Shah and his family members are avid hockey fans and will do whatever it takes to promote the sport especially at the grassroots.

    Therefore it is best to check with the other officials for a proper clarification over this matter.

  5. its true as PHA officials are deadwood as MHC office bearers. Sad state of hockey

  6. Turf lama tersadai di luar stadium. Satu sekolah sukan prestasi tinggi utk hoki ada memohon utk mendapatkannya tapi Tuanku titah agar turf lama tersebut dihantar ke MCKK. Tapi MCKK tidak mahu menerimanya. Kadang-kadang bukan Tuanku yang bersalah tapi orang-orang disekelilingnya yg memberi input yg tidak betul kerana kepentingan diri sendiri. Rugilah hoki perak jika begini.


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