'Team manager went to Taj Mahal...'

UPDATE March 14 (9.19am):  The team manager of the national cycling squad to the Asian Cycling Championship in New Delhi Ibrahim Mustapha must face the music for dereliction of duty, said Youth and Sports Minister Ahmad Shabery Cheek. Read the full report here.


UPDATE 12.03pm: Here is an SMS sent by the team manager Ibrahim Mustapha to the Malaysian National Cycling Federation deputy president Naim Mohamad;

Datuk Naim, lagu dan bendera telah diserahkan kpd sekretariat pada 5 mac dihotel royal . Penyampai medal paracycling divelodrom pada jam 645ptg lagu negara ku dan bendera dinaikan/berkumandang penyampaian dibuat divelodrom. Hari ni 9 paralimpik balik jam 1230. Untuk komfon semasa lagu dimainkan tel jo jurulatih 012#$%^&*@. Dia ada ambil video majlis penyampaian. tk.
Hj Ibrahim Mustapha.

And here's what Naim had to say:
I am sorry this happened. I will wait for a written explanation from the team manager. As a team manager he should be at the venue as anything can happen. 


...while the team was racing!

That is the shocking revelation made by national cyclist Azizulhasni Awang on his Twitter account minutes ago.

And according to Azizulhasni's tweet, the national anthem was not played when Muhammad Firdaus Zonis stood on the podium after bagging the gold medal in the 1km event. Firdaus set a meet record of 1:05.758s, an improvement of 54.746s, as reported here.

Irwandie Lakasek clinched the second gold medal for the Malaysian contingent in the men’s Junior 10km Scratch event as reported here.
If true, it is indeed unacceptable and someone has plenty of explaining to do.

HD says: Sigh!


  1. seperti lazimnya, lebih persoalan berbanding jawapan. mana yang betul? pengurus datang ke event atau tidak? azizzul ada disanakah? audio negaraku diserah ke tidak?
    hmmm... aku pon jadi terikut ikut dengan renungan2 (dan keluhan2 panjang) oleh blogger HD sekarang).


  2. Nak pegi Taj Mahal pegi hari takde event la brader

  3. paper metro hari ni kata pkbm nak 'nasihat' azizul dan juga akan ambil tindakan terhadap pengurus pasukan yg tiada di lokasi semasa acara berlangsung.
    confuse lah! ini artikel 88 versi pkbm pulak ke?


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