Sporting personalities eye Bar Council posts
1. Andrew Khoo Chin Hock (Khoo Chin Hock Andrew) (Selangor)
2. Brendan Navin Siva (Kuala Lumpur)
3. Buzze Azam (Mohd Khairul Azam Bin Abdul Aziz) (Kuala Lumpur)
4. Colin Andrew Pereira (Kuala Lumpur)
5. George Varughese (George Varughese A/L K O Varughese) (Selangor)
6. Hendon Mohamed (Kuala Lumpur and Selangor)
7. Honey Tan Lay Ean (Tan Lay Ean) (Kuala Lumpur)
8. Dato’ Jahaberdeen @ Jabar (Jahaberdeen Mohamed Yunoos) (Selangor)
9. Datuk Kuthubul Zaman Bukhari (Datuk Haji Kuthubul Zaman B Bukhari) (Johore)
10. Low Beng Choo (Dato’ Low Beng Choo) (Kuala Lumpur)
11. Mohamad Ezri Bin Abdul Wahab (Mohamad Ezri B Abdul Wahab) (Penang)
12. P. Suppiah (Suppiah S/O Pakrisamy) (Johore)
13. Rajpal Singh (Rajpal Singh A/L Mukhtiar Singh) (Selangor)
14. Raphael Tay (Tay Choon Tien Raphael) (Kuala Lumpur)
15. Ravi Nekoo (Ravindran A/L Nekoo @ Veloo) (Kuala Lumpur)
16. Richard Wee Thiam Seng (Wee Thiam Seng) (Kuala Lumpur)
17. Roger Chan Weng Keng (Chan Weng Keng) (Kuala Lumpur)
18. Haji Sulaiman Abdullah (Datuk Haji Sulaiman B Abdullah) (Selangor)
19. Syahredzan Johan (Syahredzan Bin Johan) (Kuala Lumpur)
20. Dato’ Yasmeen Shariff (Dato’ Yasmeen Bt Haji Mohd Shariff ) (Kuala Lumpur and Perlis)
Two names stand out especially for those in the sporting scene. They are Jahaberdeen and Beng Choo.
Jahaberdeen, better known as Jabar or Jahamy among friends, has been a strong advocate of human rights issues for many years and is no stranger among writers and newsmen. His rather liberal views are documented in his blog: A journey to God - ke arah mencari and Rapera.
He runs Messrs Jahaberdeen & Co.
Beng Choo (pic below), meanwhile, wears many hats in the sports scene. She is the World Softball Federation secretary-general and is president of the national softball association. She is also the vice president of the Olympic Council of Malaysia.
Having dealt with both individuals, among the very many other lawyers and former university mates who are now practicing, throughout my 13 years in journalism, I wish both Jahaberdeen and Beng Choo best of luck in the coming election.
HD says: All the best!
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