Who is the best footballer this season?



PETALING JAYA (21 Nov 2013) - Johor striker Norsharul Idlan Talaha has been voted the Most Valuable Player at the 100PLUS-Astro Arena-FAM National Football Awards for the last three years. His dreams of a fourth consecutive MVP crown, however, may not materialise as there are several strong contenders for the prestigious award.

“It was not easy coming up with this shortlist. We certainly took time to observe these players throughout the season,” said Datuk Khaidir Buyong, the honorary secretary of the Malaysian Football Coaches Association (MFCA).

“Initially, we wanted to select just five players in each category but in the end, we thought that six players would be fair. Now it is up to the respective teams to select the best in 2013. Certainly, it will not be easy pick,” Khaidir said.

Norshahrul will be up against players like national teammate Mohd Amri Yahyah, Mohd Norfarhan, Shahril Ishak, Khairul Fahmi Che Mat, Mahali Jasuli, Baihakki Khaizan and others.

The battle for the best Foreign Player Award will also be interesting with ATM’s Marlon Alex James, Kelantan’s Dickson Nwakaeme, Pahang’s Mathias Conti and several more vying for the honours.

Malaysia Cup winning coach Dollah Salleh has been named along with Lions’ coach V. Sundramoorthy, Kelantan’s Bojan Hodak, Sime Darby’s Ismail Zakaria, Sarawak’s Robert Alberts and ATM’s B. Sathianathan for the Coach of the Year award.

A selection panel consisting representatives from the MFCA, members from the Sportswriters Association of Malaysia (SAM) and FAM officials came up with the shortlist for the annual awards.

The list was then distributed to the coaches and managers of teams playing in the Super League and also the Premier League, who then made their choices for the various individual awards and also the Most Valuable Player award.

The player who amassed the highest number of votes in any of the individual categories would be awarded the Most Valuable Player of the season. The winners will be revealed at an awards ceremony on 30th November 2013.

The remaining awards for the Best Football Association, Best Club and also for the Best Fan Club will all be decided by the FAM Competitions Committee.

And for this year, there will also be an additional award for the Best Assistant Referee alongside that of the Best Referee which will be at the behest of the FAM Referee’s Committee.



1. Mohd Khairul Azhan Khalid (PAHANG)
2. Mohd Farizal Harun (ATM)
3. Norazlan Ismail (SELANGOR)
4. Khairul Fahmi Che Mat (KELANTAN)
5. Mohd Farizal Marlias (PERAK) 
6. Izwan Mahbud (LIONSXII)

1.    Jalaluddin Jaafar (PAHANG)
2.    Baihakki Khaizan (LIONSXII)
3.    Azizi Matt Rose (KELANTAN)
4.    Mahali Jasuli (SELANGOR)
5.    Mohd Razman Roslan (PAHANG)
6.    Amiridzwan Taj Tajudin (ATM)

1.    Mohd Badhri Radzi (KELANTAN)
2.    Nurul Azwan Roya (JOHOR DT)
3.    Christie Jayaseelan (ATM)
4.    R. Gopinathan (PAHANG)
5.    Joseph Kallang Tie (SARAWAK)
6.    Amirul Hadi Zainal (PAHANG)

1. Mohd Amri Yahyah (SELANGOR)
2. Norshahrul Idlan Talaha (JOHOR DT)
3. Hairuddin Omar (ATM)
4. Mohd Norfarhan Mohd (KELANTAN)
5. Mohd Azamuddin Akil (PAHANG)
6. Shahril Ishak (LIONSXII)

1. Marlon Alex James (ATM)
2. Karlo Primorac (SIME DARBY FC)
3. Dickson Nwakaeme (KELANTAN)
4. Patrick Ronaldinho Wleh (PKNS FC)
5. Mathias Conti (PAHANG)
6. Obinne Nwaneri (KELANTAN) 

1. Dollah Salleh (PAHANG)
2. V. Sundramoorthy (LIONSXII)
3. Bojan Hodak (KELANTAN)
4. Ismail Zakaria (SIME DARBY FC)
5. Robert Alberts (SARAWAK)
6. B. Sathiananthan (ATM)

1.    Nik Shahrul Abdul Halim (KELANTAN)
2.    S. Sivanesan (NEGERI SEMBILAN)
3.    Junior Edstal (SARAWAK)
4.    Mohd Nasir Basharuddin (PERAK)
5.    Nazmi Faiz Mansor (PKNS FC)
6.    K. Reuben (ATM)


  1. Mana ada Norazlan Ismail??? Norazlan Razali ada la...same goes dengan Obinna not Obinne..don't confuse people's mind..BTW where's Shafiq Rahim? Is he in the list or the panellists forgotten that he's exist in the league. I thought it's supposed to be for Malaysian teams only not including Lions XII players, and this is FAM National Football Awards.

    Kermit The Spider

  2. For the last category in your list, I would want K Reuben to win. That boy is badass promising alright. Reminds me of Perak's glamorous days with P Ravindran - the 'lipas kudung' or 'Kinta Express', as some of us fans called him then.

  3. I am sorry that I do not agree for Reuben to win. His strength is on the physical rather than skills and creativity, for in my opinion being a defender is not all about physical. Brain should be at the top. Some more, Reuben is not new as he was in our national team since last year if not mistaken. My 2 cents.

  4. None deserve it!

    Maybe Khairul Fahmi, but the others are nowhere near the required standard to be awarded.

    I wonder how those people tasked to identify the candidate go around doing their job. They seem very loose when it comes to judging. Are we not aware of the Malaysian footballing standard?
    or is it just a routine as usual - if so, then its just a circus as usual.

    What is the criteria used by the so called experts when carrying out this task? - Can anyone please stand-up and explain.
    Can we sincerely say that the players in the MSL deserve to being awarded such recognition? Do they really know all aspect of consideration in their opinion? - I definitely don't think so

    What qualities we want to see when players are in action. Obviously they're about scoring goals, making saves, defending well. and being creative. The actions involving physical and mental skills by the players during a play or situations should be the core points when judging. What does Technique and Tactics means; The ability to control and play accurately under match condition of competition and complex tactical movement.

    What about the attributes of the players shortlisted? do they posses the demanded attributes as a athlete or just "tangkap muat"

    Can anybody shed some light on how the experts determine their choices of players coming from the lowest standard of footballing???

    HSKL says: Total shame and nonsense! Need serious explanation from the so called experts.


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