FAM dimaki - sekali lagi

UPDATE 7pm: Kelantan akan menerima Piala Liga Super selepas pasukan itu melengkapkan jadual pertandingan menentang Sarawak di Kota Baru Sabtu ini.

Jangan terkejut jika mereka yang tidak puas hati dengan Persatuan Bola Sepak Malaysia merupakan peminat Kelantan.

Penyokong Kelantan meluahkan rasa marah dan kecewa dengan tindakan Persatuan Bola Sepak Malaysia (FAM) menafikan sambutan Piala Liga Super pada perlawanan terakhir The Red Warriors di Kota Bharu, Sabtu depan.

Ayat tersebut dipetik dari sukansky.com - FAM B%^&*#T!!! FAM Dengki Kelantan??

Sudah pasti, dan seperti biasa, FAM mempunyai alasan mereka tersendiri.

Tetapi apa yang penting ialah FAM harus membuat 'PR rounds' mereka untuk memastikan peminat-peminat faham kenapa keputusan-keputusan seperti ini dibuat. FAM juga perlu dilihat sebagai organisasi yang lebih mesra kepada peminat daripada kelihatan seperti "an uptight body". Explain - don't ignore.

Dan janganlah kita terlalu asyik dengan kata-kata segelintir 'pemimpin' atau 'pegawai tinggi' yang pandai berpolitik dan menggunakan peminat untuk 'serve their agenda'.

HD kata: Oh well....


  1. HD.. saya tidak nampak perenggan terakhir itu ada relevannya dengan isu ini... sudah ternyata FAM kurang peka dengan isu -isu sensitif dan "ignore/denial syndrome" .

    Ini bukan melibatkan skuad Kelantan shj, kini melibakan skuad b22 negara... dan yang terpenting ia memberi signal penting kepada presiden FAM..

    Bising-bising KAFA .. ada kemajuan .. Dah la duit kemenangan Piala FA pun lewat bayar..
    Meeting FAM baru-baru ini pun agenda penting tak dibincang... Tak mengapalah biar masa menentukannya.. Yang benar pasti muncul jua walaupun mengharungi jalan sukar dan perit!!

    Kebenaran pasti tiba Jua.!! Moga Bolesepak Malaysia terus MAJU dan MAJU!! (tetapi selepas individu tertentu dalam FAM padam lah)

  2. What's your view of the above, Haresh? Do you think that if Selangor or Pahang win the Super League, FAM will schedule the prize giving ceremony on 20th July 2012 when the final match day is 14th July 2012? Give me a break FAM! You know right well that 21st July 2012 is the first day of Ramadhan and do you expect people to celebrate on that day?

    Pak Nik

  3. HD. To think of Selangor winning the league in 2010. They presented the trophy in shah alam stadium within before the league itself is finished. 2011 and 2012 when Kelantan wins the league. It's a different story. Why? Tell me. Is there any other league in the world that does method as same as our league did. Sure you would known better than I did. Did u or didn't you see that when it involves Kelantan, it's like being friendzoned by FAM to that extent. Why other team hasn't got any problem with FAM? Why always us?

  4. HD, its not about the political leaders who use the fan to serve their agenda but this kind of "practice" (giving away the trophy at FAM office) denying the champion to celebrate their hard work with their fan at home ground.

    If they really want to practice this new approach, why not announce it before the league begin, not after the league ended. People will say out loud this is NONSENSE

  5. HD,
    Hi....it seem that u agreed the way FAM handle this matter for whatever reason it is....However, this things gonna change if other teams won as anonymous above said.....please FAM look out to other countries exp UK....that give the trophy during the last match to give player, club management and supporter to celebrate togather..i am sure you know about it...but the problem, WHY ALWAYS US.....

  6. HD,
    One more things HD...i did not agree with your last para if you means to TSAM....tq

  7. So HD this will be your scenario: Let say HD is a KLFA supporter & you never miss a single match of KL regardless home or away. Then, KLFA become a 2012 Super League Champion & FAM annouced that Super League Trophy need to be collect at Kelana Jaya. You HD & other millions of KLFA fans said, "owh okay, no problem, we will go to kelana jaya & celebrate with the players over there happily. No offence at all."

    This to respond to: "Jangan terkejut jika mereka yang tidak puas hati dengan Persatuan Bola Sepak Malaysia merupakan peminat Kelantan". Which means if the champion goes to other team, their fan will happy with that. hahahaha

  8. HD,
    i just cut&paste S.Subra's posting..

    "We played like crazy and mad people for 7 month to win this league. WE proveD that we are better team than other team eventhough we had lot of injuries, suspension,difficulties,pressures,lack of players for vital games but still managed to win MALAYSIAN SUPER LEAGUE.at the end Cup will be given in FAM office.Im so sad.Please RESPECT players feelings.NEVER IN THIS world ,CUP will be GIVEN IN OFFICE and EUro tournament Only 6 games in a month.but Malaysian super league 9 games in a month.No values For Malaysian Super league.??"

    Regardless what has happened between SUA & TSAM, FAM shd keep the professionalisme to give the winning team celebrate their day of success.. if not for the management, pls think of the PLAYERS as well as the fans. The players are very much deserved to be appreciated. Sigh!!!

  9. I reckon FAM would site 2 reasons.
    1) Costs factor to do it at Kota Bahru. And also for ATM. Note ATM's coach is a former National coach. Coincidentally.
    2) TSAM cannot be involved in any football activities, so the celebration must be done at Wisma FAM without TSAM presence.

    Well done FAM to popularize football.

    Hopefully Astro Arena would come in and insists the celebrations to be done at the respective home stadium for the sake of all football fans. Astro Arena could also pick up the tab for the celebration setup.

  10. How come there's no response from Haresh on all the above views? What's your stand on this (i.e. the date of Prize Giving Ceremony?). Nak jaga "periuk nasi" kot (we understand that)?

    Pak Nik

    1. "Periuk nasi"? Haha, you made my morning Pak Nik and I'm hoping for more smiles and laughs throughout the day.

      It would be nice if the readers gave their views instead of just one person (ie the author).

    2. HD,
      Do not worry HD...we (kelantan supporter) want to say many thank for make up this story in your blog compare to other famous sport blogger...maybe you know who he is....

    3. HD: Pak Nik just usik jer tu.. But HD, i'm also agreed with Pak Nik.. very polite/carefully when you write about FAM.. but when come to KAFA,TSAM ... emm ..

    4. Haresh, to be fair, you are one of the more "independent' bloggers compared to others. I'm sure you understand how we felt.BTW, you've done good job so far..

      Pak Nik.

  11. Haresh,At Last! Common Sense Prevails...

    Pak Nik

  12. The power of Kelantan's fans.


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