What ad-hoc committee?

The Sports Commissioner's office has finally spoken regarding the Malaysian Snooker and Billiards Federation (MSBF); form an ad-hoc committee it says.

However, rumours around the green baize has it that certain individuals insist they do not need to conform or join such an ad-hoc committee for they are the rightful guardian of the sport in the country.

Thus it will be interesting to see who will show up when the newly formed committee headed by Malaysian Tenpin Bowling Congress deputy president and former KLFA official Mohammad Noor Abdul Rahim meet for the first time next week.

For the record, MSBF was suspended on July 19 while the snooker players have not enjoyed centralised training for years. The training center at Casa 1 in Bukit Jalil has not been utilised either.

Most of our cue artists including former Asian junior champion Moh Keen Ho, Thor Chuan Leong and Lai Chee Wei are working in snooker centers but remain regular fixtures in the local tournaments. Chuan Leong, or better known as Rory by his peers, recently won Leg 13 of the XZ Tour in Kuantan on October 10, as reported by Cue Clubz.

The new committee has been given 12 months to sort their mess out and below is the statement issued by Sports Commissioner Yasin Salleh as reported by Bernama two days ago;
"I hope the MSBF Ad-Hoc committee can carry out the responsibility vested upon them to ensure the development of snooker and billiards in the country."

We hope so too sir!

Pic from Cue Clubz:  (L-R) Imtiaz Serwer, Ballroom manager Mr Hong and Rory after XZ Tour (Leg 13) final.

HD says: Miss those late nights covering snooker matches that run for hours.


  1. HD,
    Can you comments on the fined that has been given to kelantan FA.

    Kesalahan: baling botol
    Kelantan didenda RM40,000

    Kesalahan: bakar mercun

    Terengganu, Sarawak & Perak didenda RM10,000

    Why always have double standard by FAM against Kelantan. Frustrated.

  2. Baling mercun, denda RM15,000.

    Baling botol sampai kena kepala pemain pelawat, denda RM10,000

    Baling botol dan dihentikan permainan, kena denda RM40,000.



  3. OBviouslu NOBODY cares... u know why? the snooker fraternity has been running for the last 10 years without the help of the MSBF or WY CHIN. ALL tournament prize monies are paid by the snooker centres. All player comforts are provided by the snooker centres and well wishers. WHO THE HELL needs an ASSOCIATION??? in malaysia most sporting associations are just an excuse to have eating and drinking sessions and for the officials to go on OVERSEA prostitution trips. the associations are used to sell merchandise and to earn money when they spend the annual BUDGET. So my conclusion is screw the MSBF. let it remain suspended. this year we have 20 TOP level tournaments, 30 top AMATEUR tournaments and 50-100 in house tournaments throughout MALAYSIA. the sport is growing at an astromical rate WITHOUT THE MSBF. ALL we need is just ISKANDAR and the snooker centres.


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