Safee's dilemma

UPDATE 2.19pm: "Both Safee (Sali) and I met Alex Soosay (AFC general secretary) earlier today and he was shocked with this whole episode. He assured us that AFC will send PSSI a letter to explain their actions.

We then met FAM secretary general Azzudin Ahmad to again explain the situation and he agreed with our explanation. Safee is now free to join his team mates for training and he is expected to train this evening." - Safee Sali's manager Zack Rahim.


"We adhered to Fifa's rules and they have made a decision since last year but now the matter in Indonesia has hit the wall. Fifa, being the guardian body, has the authority to disband member one else does."

Those were the words of FAM secretary general Azzudin Ahmad when met at the sidelines after Armed Forces edged LionsXII 5-4 in penalty kicks to book a berth to the Malaysia Cup final after both teams were tied at 1-1 (aggregate 2-2) at the Selayang Stadium last night.

Azzudin was responding to my question regarding national poacher Safee Sali's status with the national squad.

Safee plays for PSSI club Arema-Pelita Jaya. There is an on-going spat between PSSI and ISL as both claim they are legit.

Such a decision could force Safee to ditch his lucrative million-Ringgit deal with Arema-Pelita Jaya, as seen here. Or he could opt not to don the national colours as Harimau Malaya plans to defend their AFF Suzuki Cup title in their own den next month.

Safee is clearly upset over this whole episode and is expected to voice his opinion soon. 

Another Sinetron that has certainly grabbed our attention...oh well.

HD says: Sigh!


  1. below statement i quoted from Zack Rahim's FB status:

    Zack Rahim
    15 hours ago near Kuala Lumpur
    Penat menjawab soalan2 kawan2 dan media hingga tengah malam tadi dan pagi ini. Ini cerita lama dan baharu ini disampaikan dalam bentuk bersurat kepada FAM oleh PSSI. Kesah penggantungan ni dah lama, tapi hanya PSSI sahaja yang 'gantung', sedangkan AFC dan FIFA dah bagi amaran kpd PSSI jgn bertindak sesuka hati atau PSSI digantung. Pada 20hb. September, dalam mesyuarat di AFC, telah diputuskan oleh Task Force AFC yang diketuai Tg Abdullah Ahmad Shah bahawa ISL dan IPL adalah sah dan boleh berjalan serentak hingga tahun 2014. Menjelang 2015, satu liga baru bernama Liga Merah Putih akan menggantikan kedua2 Liga Professional di Indonesia. Pasukan timnas Indonesia pula wajib menurunkan pemain dari kedua2 liga dan hampir 10 pemain dari ISL telah disenaraikan utk latihan persiapan AFF di KL bulan depan. Saya pun tak faham kenapa baru sekarang nak buka cerita 'penggantungan' ini oleh SU Agung PSSI, Halim Mahfudz yang baru beberapa minggu dilantik gantikan Sec Gen lama PSSI. Dia lupa buka fail kot atau dia masih dalam proses cuba memahami situasi. Dipendekkan cerita, ISL dan IPL adalah liga sah di Indonesia dan Safee masih pemain Pelita Jaya yang bakal bergabung dgn Arema Indonesia hingga Feb 2014. Safee juga tidak terjejas utk wakili pasukan negara. Pihak kelab di Jakarta juga sedang berusaha membetulkan kekeliruan ini disana. Byk laporan media yang agak tersasar sediikit lantaran kekurangan maklumat tepat. Harap maklum.

    Bro, the above link is not related to your post today. But I wanted to attract your attention that the top athletes in Malaysia acknowledge NSI's role in getting them to peak performance.....only for the CEO to be shown the exit .....Mr. Minister hope you are reading!


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