Another court case

I received this email yesterday.

Looks like the Taekwondo saga still lingers on.

Anyone care to explain what this is all about? Also, anyone care to provide an update of the case?

HD says: It's the suing spree season.


  1. Halo Brader,

    This case actually about the cari makan fight la. This fella actually from another club...the sifu is a pegawai in the taekwando malaysia association. So he dont want his machai club become membe in TM lor. So he cari pasal say this club dont follow TM rules. He kowtim his friends in TM to take action on this club. then the hero use the sacking letter on the club to bring to all the school the club is teaching.

    But ah..the hero sifu not very smart. TM sack the club but the club is not yet become a member of la brader like that.

    but now the malu is the TM President is also the MOM President. He join to settle the problem with all the taekwondo group then overstay to become President. How can brader...sp desperate for position meh?

    His one more friend stay as Naib Presiden but now got thrown out by his own friends which include the sifu hero. Already overstay ready..some more want to fight in election. Cukup la!

    This case the Club sue because their cari makan now got problem. the sacking letter already give to all school. So how he can teach in school. so he sue for losing his income la..I think ah, sure win one.

  2. Pro Sport JUARA.





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