Independent body for M-League

Haven't we heard this before?

FA of Malaysia competition committee chairman Hamidin Amin was quoted by Bernama as saying;

"The FAM secretariat will write a letter to the AFC soon to receive feedback on the setting up of the independent body, just like what a number of football powers in Asia have done."

For the record, Hamidin is also FAM vice president and the FA of Selangor secretary.

Why the need to form an independent body?

Just look at Hamidin's position. He sits in the competition committee, is the vice president of the national body and is also a member of a state affiliate that competes in the Super League.

However, one cannot blame Hamidin at all for it is the flawed system adopted by the FAM that allows such representation within the national body and the various committees.

As seen in the English case of  R v Sussex Justices, Ex parte McCarthy; "Not only must Justice be done; it must also be seen to be done." 

What about MSL Sdn Bhd that was formed in 2004?

The objective of forming MSL Sdn Bhd was a step towards the privatisation of the league. Nevetherless, it was somehow simply restricted to being the commercial arm of the league.

Talking about MSL, is there a new CEO after Stuart Ramalingam left?

Will there ever be an independent body?

An independent body will function in such a way whereby they will be fully responsible for the tickets, running of the leagues, branding and marketing of the leagues. In fact, the formation of an independent body should have taken place the minute FAM decided the league turned professional.

At the moment, the various committees, represented by officials who hail from the respective states, and MSL Sdn Bhd run the show.

Will these officials 'let go'? That remains to be seen.

Nevertheless, it is only fair to say kudos to FAM for finally taking the bold step. Better late than never.

Now let's walk the talk.

HD says: Let's see how long the formation of an independent body will take....


  1. bro haresh... gua panas ni.. panas giler.. apa bangangnya FAM mengharamkan skuad2 presiden dari kelab2? gua dpt cerita idea pengharaman ni datangnya dari balaci2 state fa yg jeles ngn pasukkan kelab yg mpunyai pemain2 muda yg berbakat.. bodoh punya state fa sampai bila bolasepak mesia nak maju?

  2. The usual talk kok sing song from FAM..


  3. There's no point of having Independent Body if the "final decision" still rest with the top 2 in the FAM. The key most important is the change in Management. Everyone can claim that they love Malaysian football but at the end of the day, are you competent enough to manage the Association (FAM)? In FAM's case, its clear that the top 2 are not capable of managing FAM.

    Pak Nik

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  5. Grassroots Football FanOctober 29, 2012 at 8:57 PM

    HD, I raised this issue about 2 weeks ago but only 1 responded. So, clubs being barred from Presidents Cup is true but without any reason!
    The talk is that as anon commented, the State FAs are embarrased that they can't produce winning teams as the clubs have somehow dominated the Presidents Cup! So what next FAM.... Like I said, whats going to happen to all our young players who are trying to move up the ladder?

  6. That fella opens his mouth because he wants to say something! That's the difference between a wise man and a fool. Our football's present state of affairs is a reflection of the members that govern it. Bangang semua!


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