Teams still owe EPF...

....Sosco and Income Tax!

It's 2012. The M-League is supposedly a professional set-up.

Yet, we still speak about unpaid EPF contributions Sosco and income taxes.

Some may say that FINALLY the FA of Malaysia (FAM) is taking charge of the matter after they issued a stern warning to 10 teams to pay up their debts amounting to RM 2.1 million before November 23 or be dropped from the league next season.

The warning was made during the executive committee meeting yesterday.

But those who have been in the scene long enough are tired with such talk.

I, among many, have touched on unpaid EPF, income tax and wages among teams for many years and have always included it in my articles as seen here and here. Even former NST reporter Christopher Raj had written about teams owning EPF in 2009.

Why has FAM been scared to crack he whip all these years? Simple - too many people with vested interests, too many individuals wearing too many hats.

When one tends to wear too many hats, he tends to be overly diplomatic even if it means blessing the wrong.

And no one cares. For years, the song has remained the same.

Then again, even big corporations can't get their act right, what more state FAs.

Read the full report by The Star's K.Rajan here.

HD says: Need to have positive thoughts, better late than never. Positivity is the way to go. Let's hold hands and start singing positive songs. Don't pay the EPF today no problem, there's always tomorrow or next year. (sic).


  1. Why can't the footballers, as employees, complain to the Human Resourses Ministry. These players must know their rights and fight for them.

    1. My exact sentiments but it is believed that the players rather keep mum for fear of being viewed as "rebellious" & they will later be frowned upon by other teams. This is what happens when there is no professionalism within the industry.

    2. Yup...agree. If they complain too much, their future becomes bleak, the current one also bleak! Pity, BUT this is the reality of PROFESIONAL FOOTBALL in Malaysia...Malaysian Standard of Profesionalisme...Sirim can endorsed it an make something such as MS idiot crap document etc.

      Sorry HD, saya lepas geram!



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