"MPC writes off RM3.8m"

"I'm trying to find out if we have indeed wrapped up investigations or investigations are still on-going. I can't comment further until I get further clarification from my officers."

Those were the words of Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission director of investigations Mustapha Ali.

This was regarding The Sun's article today about the Malaysian Paralympic Council writing off RM3.8 million 'invested' in a company that belonged to the president and his family.

I had, in June 2011, exposed the RM4million 'investment' as published in The Malay Mail. It was also highlighted in Malaysia Today as seen here.

I'm dumbfounded.

HD says: ...........


  1. I'm dumbfounded too.

    How can one just transfer public funds to a private company, one where he and his two sons sit in the board of directors, and then write it off?

  2. and you wonder why the paralympians don't get any support...


  3. Why is there no response from the authorities- OCM, NSC, Sports Commissoner';s office, Ministry of Sports. It is time for a police report


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