Main Hoki Cincai

"Teams that suffered huge losses to Kuala Lumpur, like the 6-1 drubbing of Perak yesterday, shows that some teams are not well prepared. So, I hope the oldest hockey tournament in the country can be given serious attention by teams."

Those were the words of Malaysian Hockey Confederation (MHC) president Tengku Abdullah Shah after witnessing a Razak Cup match in Kuantan on Sunday.

Scorelines can be misleading but it is the quality dished out by the teams which is important. And the Pahang Prince must have unimpressed with what he saw over the weekend.

There were also scores of 5-2 and 10-0 registered yesterday as Malaysian Hockey provides the results in "good faith".

Let's be real. State teams hardly had time to beef up their squads as most of the players were involved in the recently concluded Malaysian Hockey League. Then there was a two-day national training camp prior the Razak Cup.

So can they be blamed?

Also, it is the 50th Razak Cup tournament but it doesn't seem to feel so now, does it?

And if I were to be the sponsor for the tournament, I would seriously reconsider my commitment to such a tournament in the future.

Harsh as it may sound, that is the reality. Tournaments should be treated with much respect and participating teams must be allowed time to prepare for such meets. It should be attractive to those involved - officials, players, sponsor, stakeholders and the masses.

Otherwise, adopt the school like carnival format where teams play three matches within a day, 10 to 15 minutes in every half and the whole tournament ends within three days. Less hassle no? (sic).

I wonder who drew up MHC's calender and who is the tournament's Media consultant? #justasking.....

HD says: Sigh!


  1. Well said

    We seem to be doing thing with the mentality of 'cukup syarat'

    We seem to have the culture that the national team calendar takes priority over all other tournament and they train all year round so local tournaments are shelved and moved around time and time again

    Take a poll with all the teams find out how many days they had to prepare for Razak Cup with a full squad?

    I am all for the national team but this 2 days thingy could it not serve better after the Razak Cup? What impact does this 2 days thingy have on player for the Razak cup?

    I have time and time reiterated a calendar need to come out early in the year no we have a cramped calendar with Razak Cup, National Indoor U-16, National U14, Sultan of Johor Cup, Pesta Pulau Pinang and National Veterans between now and Xmas not to mention National Team Champions Challenge event in Argentina next month and yes the FIH Congress.

    I do pity the sponsors as this is not the first year they have had to deal with this level of professionalism.

    Honestly its not that difficult, if we can host international tournament you dont need a media consultant, you dont need PR companies. Simple equation, have a pool of an email list for the media ( easily available), matches are played in morning and evening, take the results and email it out. Granted the media people are not going to sit in Kuantan throughout the duration of the tournament, if you have a scanner then scan the match sheet and send it out.

    You just have to think outside the box...

    Dont get me started on the grants and ask where the money goes

  2. Saya setuju dengan darthvadai, tak payah media officer, bayar beribu-ribu, kerja tak seberapa, lepas itu bantai PHM lagi dlm blog. PHM bayar RM35 ribu utk media singh kepala besar otak kecik masa liga tnb, jumlah duit yang banyak yg bole diguna utk pembangunan hoki. Pegawai2 PHM harus bangun dan sedar.

  3. Forget the club league, make the razak cup the premier competition in the country and played home and away. Eventually it will gain interest.

  4. It used to be Malaysian Hopeless Federation, now it is Main Hockey Cincai and if you are to be believe the secretary, then Malaysian Hockey Confusing since he said there was a media CONsultant appointed but no one knows who that person/company is.

    The people who did the event last year were told by Johari MHC will handle all the media/pr/website by themselves as they had a former journalist on board to do everything.

    As for the caldendar, Darth Vadai said it best. The force is indeed strong with that one.

    Fowler is God

  5. Just need to bring Mike< Hashim and Krishnan back. All matters with MHC will be resolved. Just take out the slumberjack who sleeps on his job. What a pity to the sponsors. Last coverage and format was superb. Haresh you need to do some soul searching with slumberjack.

    Concerned Officials

  6. Bottom of my heart. MHC really needs MIKE badly coz they are bleeding. He did well in the 3 years brought 17 million of funds and two years calendar was in operation and razak cup was played for 3 months and not 10 days like now.


  8. one and only solution is bring MIKEY back... No choice negiotate with him and we all know he loves to comeback coz hockey is in his veins of blood. sorry to say this but truth must prevail

  9. Seketariat MHC macam KAPCAI 60cc ditunggang oleh kuda tua tanpa minyak. Bunyi lebih tapi tak gerak sampai destinasi tersebut.

  10. This was from the text of the speech by the MHC President during the MHC Council Meeting held in February 2012.

    "Therefore, I have suggested that we need to organize a Seminar in Kuantan, Pahang after the Olympic Qualifiers in-conjunction with the MHC Governing Council Meeting to brainstorm again on the Strategic Planning in which we intend to include the facets of women hockey plus the targets and journey of the Malaysian Women Hockey Team so that we could realign the shortcomings and achievements in every two years.

    During the Seminar, I intend to bring few personalities from FIFA and AFC to share with us on their experience on how they manage world class events and administration aspects of managing an Association.

    Whatever happened to this so-called Seminar? We have seen a new Secretary General in place yet no seminar is being held? Mike did not have time to see this through but really is 6 months not enough to organise such a seminar?

    Following this, we cannot forget another support area and that is the Secretariat. This is the “heart center” of MHC. If this structure is weak it can create “bottlenecks” along the way and affect most of the facets related to hockey.

    Currently, we have about 7 to 8 staff on full time basis to escort the secretariat headed by Secretary General of MHC and Treasurer of MHC who has constitutional duties. However, it is a small organization compare to the task in hand to oversee the whole MHC as a governing body of hockey in this country.

    Therefore, I intend to strengthen the current Secretariat by establishing a well- balanced secretariat with detail job description and accountability. As for the 13 MHC Sub-Committees’, I intend to create 4 division or business unit with a full time “Working Secretary or Program Director” who will be put to task to handle the facets and accountable for the respective Division.

    The current MHC administration is weak, as emphasised by the President during his speech in Kuantan. Yet all that has been done so far is just talk, nothing more. Why the delay in advertising the positions? was MHC really serious nad the other office bearers just nodding their heads in agreement? Perhaps we might end up like India, having no faith in locals and employ a foreignor to run hockey in the country.

    Communication is an essential cog in the operations of MHC and the key ingredient here is dissemination of information to Affiliates, Officials and the public. For a better understanding what takes place in MHC and its Affiliates, I am proposing to discuss during the Seminar on how to devise a system where all parties shall be given regularly platform to highlight the status of activities including strength and weaknesses at the MHC Meetings.

    Just one look at the MHC website will provide you an answer to this. Social media is the in thing or are we still groping in the dark about it. The 1MAS website is a joke, RM12,500 paid to set it up and monthly payments done for a website not updated. And before I forget the 1MAS people claim they have an updated website- that is a free Wordpress Blog, not a website. A kid can do that.

    The principle idea is to ensure that we all could work as a team and help one another to achieve each other objectives at National and State levels.

    However, the detail structure and mechanism on the above ideas will be discussed during the MHC Seminar and the final approval will be tabled at the next MHC Executive Board Meeting before implementing the new administrative structure for MHC.

  11. Put a vote of no confidence against SLUMBERJACK and elect MIKE asap. We all support him to return.


    JULY 2009 – MARCH 2012

    Constitutional Changes

    - Amendments of six (6) Articles of the MHF Constitution namely:
    o Article 5 – Definitions
    o Article 12 – Congress and Congress Meetings
    o Article 14 – Management Committee
    o Article 15 – General Meetings
    o Article 16 – Duties of Principal Elected Office-Bearers
    o Article 17 – Committees

    - Spearheaded and facilitated the new MHC Constitution to be compliance with FIH Statutes. - Communicated and coordinated with FIH, AHF, OCM, MHF & MWHA to resolve the issue of compliance with FIH.- Prepared a detailed sequence of events and timeline for MHC since 2006 till as of today.- Dissolution of Malaysian Hockey Federation via EGM.- 1st MHC Executive Board Meeting was convened successfully.

    Competition- Organized two editions of 2010 and 2011 Sultan Azlan Cup in Ipoh, Perak.
    - Secured and facilitated Televisyen and Broadcasting Rights with Astro Arena for domestic competition.- Secured RM3million deal for Sultan Azlan Shah Cup (2010-2013).- Initiated and obtain approval from FIH to organize first Annual Under 21 Men’s Junior hockey tournament called Sultan of Johor Cup in 2011.- Remodeling two vital Domestic Events i.e. TNBMHL & Tun Abdul Razak.
    - Organized two (2) Inaugural Indoor Hockey Tournament i.e. National Indoor Championship and National Under-16.- Managed age-group events – Sukma, National Under 21, Under 16 and Under 14.
    - Reviewed and Increased Allowances for Tournament Officials.- Increased TNBMHL Prize Money by 30%.
    - Increased MJHL Prize Money by 80% and record breaking of 26 teams.- Increased Hosting Grant by 40% to RM35,000.- Secured TNB, 100Plus, QNet, Milo (Nestle) for events.- Rebrand with new logos for the events: TARC, MHL and MJHL.- Dedicated Website, Twitter and facebook were established.- Coordination and communication with Media on Press Conference and provide latest updates on the events.


    - Increased Hosting Grant by 40% to RM35,000.
    - Subsidy from RM3,000 to RM5,000 for each affiliate to participate.
    - Introduced Incentive Schemes for State Under-18 League for the Affiliates.
    - Organized a Tour to Dublin to support the Malaysian Hockey Team – total of 23 people.
    - Special scheme of Air-Ticket (50%) will be absorbed by MHC for Sabah & Sarawak to play in the National Under 14 and Under 16 event.
    - Administrative grant of RM10,000 for each Affiliates. Total payout of RM160,000 in 2011.
    - Regular emails are sent to keep all the Affiliates updated on the upcoming events and urgent matters.


    - Established a Strategic Planning for six years from 2010 till 2016 with objectives and targets to achieve by MHC.
    - Appointment of General Manager effective from August 2009.
    - Achieved “Grade A” Scale from Malaysia Sports Commissioner’s Office.
    - Attained 63.60% in the Annual OCM Rating Programme.
    - Facilitated Management, Council and General Meetings for the year 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012.
    - Streamlining Meetings and Reports with 2-year Calendar in placed.
    - Obtained four (4) cars and two (2) Multi-Purpose Vehicle on loan from Hyundai-Sime Darby Malaysia.
    - DRB-HICOM donated a motorcycle.
    - Skali Group established a website and to maintain it.
    - University of Stirling of Scotland has accredited MHC at 3.3 points which is above the requirement of 3.0 points. We were ranked third best NSA among 56 after BAM and SRAM.
    - Established twitter and facebook account.
    - Prepare speeches for Office Bearers for Meeting and events.

  13. Monetary- Solicited funds from the Government, Sponsors and well wishers to the tune of RM17.0 million.
    - Cleared the debts of RM1.4million.

    Coaching- Managed to send five (5) Coaches to attend FIH High Performance Coaching Course in the Hero Honda Hockey World Cup and Champions Trophy in Germany.- Undertaken MHF Level 1, 2 & 3.- Organized Workshop to review the syllabus of Level 1 & 2.- Communicated with NSI (Coaching Division) on the funding for the yearly courses.- Also assisted in the recent FIH-AHF DUC Workshop.- Conducted FIH-MHC High Performance Coaching Course in-conjunction with Sultan of Johor Cup 2011. About 20 person attended.- FIH-MHC Coaching Course Advance Level 3 (A) will be organized in May during the Sultan Azlan Cup 2012.- MHC won the Best Coaches category during the Anugerah Sukan Negara 2010.

    Umpiring- Promoted several young Umpires and Umpires Managers at International arena.- A Strategic Plan was established on the KPI’s by MHCUB.- Organized Umpires and Umpires Managers’ Seminar in-conjunction with 19th Sultan Azlan Shah Cup 2010.- Also structured a National Hockey Umpires Theory Exam throughout the Nation.- Included and Umpire as part of Tour of the National Teams to provide exposure.

    Women Hockey Association
    - Contributed RM125,000 to Malaysian Women Hockey Association- National Women Team participated in the 2010 Junior Hockey League.- Also included women coaches into the Coaching courses and women umpires to officiate in the domestic competition.- Review the allowance for the umpires and the officiating umpires get more than the reserve umpire.- Managed to secure our Malaysian Women team to participate in the Lanco International Super Series event as part of CHOGM.

  14. National Teams – Senior, 2013 and 2017 squads- Current World Ranking at 13 in the world.- Won Silver Medal at 2010 Asian Games.- Won the best team award category at Anugerah Sukan Negara 2010.- Bronze Medal at the 1st Asian Champions Trophy in 2011.- Won the 1st Sultan of Johor Cup 2011.- Won the 2009 & 2011 SEA Cup.- Silver Medal in AHF Boys Under-18 event in 2009 & 2011.- Failed to qualify for 2012 London Olympic Games & 2010 World Cup.- Secured attire sponsorship - Kappa for National Team and Grays for National Junior Team (Project 2013).- A ray of hope is seen in the Project 2013 and National 16 boys’ performance. Project 2013 did a good job by winning the 2009 SEA Cup gold for the country and became runners-up at the 2009 Under-18 Asia Cup tournament in Myanmar and 2011 in Singapore. They also participated in the Razak Cup & Under 23 and became runners-up and third place respectively.
    - After four (4) years, the National Under-16 became runners-up after Germany and beating Holland and Belgium in the 4 Nations Mannheim event in Germany in the month of June 2010.
    - By looking at the current structure of the National Teams’, we shall have two (2) Junior World Cup Project Squad of 2013 & 2017 and it will be a feeder to the National Senior Team.
    - This detailed seven (7) years plan shall equip MHF to greater challenges and to attain first-rate results in the 2014 Asian Games & World Cup, and more importantly the 2016 Rio Olympics.
    - Established Code of Conduct for National players.
    - Established Bonus Structure for National teams’.
    - Streamline the biodata and international caps for the National teams’.

    - Contributed on yearly basis of RM300,000 to Malaysian Women Hockey Association for 1MAS woman program.
    - 1Mas is a long term development initiative which has been conceived to produce a stream of players equipped for elite class, high performance hockey in a structured and coordinated program.
    - A standard national training curriculum, progress monitoring, reporting, overseas attachments for identified talent, specialist coaches based regionally and long term collaboration with successful foreign clubs are key features of this program.
    - The overall framework of this project will take Malaysia to a gold medal (1MAS) at the regional level (Asian Games) and will be the most developed age group hockey development scheme in Asia.
    - Secured RM11.0million from the GOM for the 1MAS Hoki program.
    - The Ministry of Education is doing its part to ensure that schools are doing the necessary things.
    · Nationwide Inter-District Training Centres or called as “PLD”.
    · 14 Selected State Sports School
    · High Performance Sports School (“SPTS” program)
    · Supported by two dedicated National Sports School i.e. Bukit Jalil and Bandar Penawar.

  15. Haresh bhai, awak kena siasat mengenai KHM and mengapa setiausaha yang dilantik adalah lemah dan tidak boleh menunaikan kerja-kerja seperti yang termaktub dalam perlembagaan. Tuanku presiden pun senyap dan tidak mengambil apa-apa langkah untuk menyelesaikan kelemahan KHM atau beliau juga adalah seorang yang lemah.

    Bekas pemain

  16. HD pls call mike 0163196353 and convince him to comeback to MHC they are bleeding and msian hockey. do me a favour to save it. thank you very much haresh

  17. Mike, Mike, Mike.
    Me, Me, Me. I, I, I.

    Before, it used to be Sarjit, Sarjit, Sarjit.

    As I said it earlier, everyone should play a stakeholder roles to ensure the sports that everyone here claimed to be their birth rights continue to do well. From outside looking in, I feel so sad to see how people in the hockey fraternity think and behave. Politiking, back stabbing, credit grabbing, behind the scene maneuvering are killing the sport.

    No doubt Slumberjack need to buck up or get out BUT in the meantime what did we do to ensure that hockey continue to progress. Waiting for it to die a slow death and then claim victory against those in power? Waiting the power to move to your side then only you'll start to contribute again to hockey? Criticize against any effort made to revitalize hockey? And let me ask you this, where is Mike when MHC need him most after the failure of Dublin qualifier?

    Hockey organization is at its lowest point now. So those who got the chance to be part of it in any way please step up and do your best. Please stop the credit seeking and power grabbing. It will come in due course. But if hockey in general stop progressing, not a single credit nor power is worth holding on to.

    To Haresh, I'm so sorry (again) that your blog archiver has turned into a blog war zone and taken over 'Voice-In-Sports'. Anyway you should know by now that your blog has attracted a lot of hockey enthusiasts which you hardly covers compared to soccer, etc.

  18. Dei makan hati. Why not you ask mike to comeback and dont hide beind your viel. Your blog doesnt exist. Only solution to mhc is the great mikey as tower of strength during his playing days. World class defender and administator. No doubt


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