OCM wants assets declared after FIFA graft charges

As published in Mailsport today

The Olympic Council of Malaysia (OCM) has asked for a public declaration of assets involving national sports associations following 14 FIFA top officials who were charged with corruption amounting to US$100 million (RM360 million).

“The Sports Commissioner’s Office should enforce a public declaration of assets, as this is the best way to ensure transparency. We are prepared to declare our assets. We have nothing to hide,” said OCM secretary-general Datuk Sieh Kok Chi.

“This will frighten a lot of people, but if you have nothing to hide, then you shouldn’t be afraid. The declaration of assets and financial dealings will be a good deterrent to curb corruption among sports associations,” said Sieh, adding FIFA members have the power to change the outcome of the world football body’s presidential election as Sepp Blatter prepares for a fifth term in office.

“FIFA affiliates, including FA of Malaysia can take the power away from Blatter by the virtue of votes. The members should also determine conditions such as how much money can the president and other high ranking officials oversee because sometimes when one is elected to a big position, the power rush can get to them,” said the 77-year-old.

World football was stunned on Wednesday when seven FIFA executives, including vice-president Jeffrey Webb were detained by Swiss police at a plush Zurich hotel.

Following the revelation, Transparency International (TI) called for Blatter to step down and the upcoming presidential elections to be suspended, saying: “Blatter must stand down and new elections be called to mark a new era of Fifa leadership.

“At the same time, there must be full disclosure of all potential conflicts of interest and the pay of the executive committee members.

“Their hands need to be clean and seen to be clean,” TI said in a statement.

TI Malaysia supported its parent organisation’s stance and says it will do the same should a similar crisis happen in Malaysia.

“The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission and police have the power to investigate, but we do advocacy and will definitely push for a thorough investigation.

“We support the action taken by the US Justice Department and FBI. The buck has to stop at the top and someone has to be held accountable,” said its secretary-general Dr Muhammad Mohan.


  1. Functionalism

    Functionalist perspectives tend to be based upon the notion that social events can best be explained in terms of the function they perform.

    Society is viewed as a complex system whose various parts work in relationship to each other. Functionalist theories in both
    sociology and anthropology help to explain social institutions primarily in terms of functions and, consequently, if sport were viewed within this problematic one of the core questions would be what is the function of sport as a social institution today?

    Some of the central areas of debate have concerned the treatment of social order, power, social conflict and social change with the assertion being that functionalism overemphasises the socialised conception of sport in society at the expense of the human subject or individual agency.

    The idea of studying social life in terms of its social functions was adopted in the early twentieth century by social anthropology. Society was seen as being made up of different
    interdependent parts that operated together to meet different social needs.

    Anthropological functionalism has tended to emphasise methodological issues, while sociological functionalism has tended to be critical of the epistemological rationale informing this body of knowledge.

    Sourced from; Professor Grant Jarvie's research literature on Sport, Culture and Society.


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