Hey officials, what have you been doing all this while?

Sports blogger Satwant Singh Dhaliwal (SS Dhaliwal) tweeted this hours ago: And my reply to that tweet was: Why I said that? 1. Our 'so-called' (sports) leaders seem to do as they please. No one monitors them, ensures they keep to their words and there is no Key Performance Index (KPI) set for them. 2. We have spent years, no decades actually, reading and speaking about the same thing (most of the time uttered by the same people). 3. Why should there be any respect or attention given to officials who fail to deliver? And despite failing to to do their jobs, the same faces continue to run the show. 4. Many of our officials surround themselves with lackeys (or better known as macai ). As such, these officials think they are God's gift to Malaysian sports. 5. We have been harping about f inding another Lee Chong Wei even when Datuk Seri Nadzmi Salleh was BA of Malaysia president years ago. We have been hoping that the national football team - with the huge ...