A classic case of ‘cakap tak serupa bikin’

Haresh Says, as published in Malay Mail today. MY friend Rosman turned up at my house on Saturday in a not so pleasant mood. Instead of exchanging pleasantries, he started shouting about open burning. After allowing him to rant for a good five minutes, Rosman proceeded to explain what ticked him off. “I’ve been noticing this group of people, whom I believe are residents of this particular Taman (a neighbourhood in Ampang, Selangor) setting trees on fire for the past week,” said Rosman. “I’m sure they don’t own the land as it is located by the side of the main road. They are also destroying trees for other vegetation. But more importantly, such open burning activity is not helping the current hot and dry spell, contributing to hazy conditions.” I told Rosman he was free to complain to the Department of Environment (DOE). After all, it’s director-general Datuk Halimah Hassan, had last month, said a strict ban was imposed on open burning in Selangor, Malacca and Joh...