Adobe stops Muse, 'took the bread off many tables'

Graphic designers and web designers in Malaysia and all over the world have lashed out at Abode following the company's decision to discontinue its website building software 'Abode Muse'. Many said the move had robbed them of their livelihoods as they are scrambling to find alternatives, hoping to pacify clients and meet deadlines. Launched in 2012, 'Abode Muse' offers users the ability to design websites without having to write any code. JustiBru said Abode has "took the bread off so many tables" and that the company "didn't realise the extended impact" in its own customer base. "The cost of transition for many will be great and painful. The communication to existent clients, the hours of migration, the cost for new hosting - all expenses." Read his full post below: Others also vented their frustration on Abode's forum . A Malaysian graphic artist said there has been a huge discussion ...