No help for former footballer V. Krishnasamy? Really?

Can the relevant authorities like FAM or the Football Association of Penang do something to alleviate (V.) Krishnasamy’s financial situation? This was published in The Star's letters page today: It is nice of Kok Foo Leong to voice concerns about his good friend and former national footballer V. Krishnasamy. That shows compassion and the desire to help a friend - a noble trait that must be applauded. But Mr Kok, the FA of Malaysia (FAM) has provided financial assistance to Krishnasamy not too long ago. Then FAM general-secretary (now president) Datuk Hamidin Amin had presented financial assistance to Krishnasamy on Feb 26, 2018. Read the full report here . In fact, a month earlier (Jan 18, 2018) the National Athletes Welfare Foundation (Yakeb) visited Krishnasamy. Berita Harian had then quoted Yakeb's general manager Zuhairi Abdul Manaf as saying: "Hari ini ...