Adobe stops Muse, 'took the bread off many tables'

Graphic designers and web designers in Malaysia and all over the world have lashed out at Abode following the company's decision to discontinue its website building software 'Abode Muse'.

Many said the move had robbed them of their livelihoods as they are scrambling to find alternatives, hoping to pacify clients and meet deadlines.

Launched in 2012, 'Abode Muse' offers users the ability to design websites without having to write any code.

JustiBru said Abode has "took the bread off so many tables" and that the company "didn't realise the extended impact" in its own customer base.

"The cost of transition for many will be great and painful. The communication to existent clients, the hours of migration, the cost for new hosting - all expenses." 

Read his full post below:

Others also vented their frustration on Abode's forum.

A Malaysian graphic artist said there has been a huge discussion regarding the decision within the  community.

"Many are affected, including myself. We have been using Muse as it is one of the best software in the market but we now have to quickly find alternatives," said the designer who only wanted to be known as Idz.

"Some of us have been relying on Adobe Muse and I know there will be those who will lose clients and job opportunities following this move. It was only fair to warn the community in advance and not make such a sudden, drastic decision."

Adobe Muse, on its website, said:

We thank our users and want to help them make a smooth transition to other Adobe offerings that can solve their specific needs:
  • If you are building complex websites and applications, you can now use Adobe XD.  Although XD does not generate web-ready code as Adobe Muse did, XD is an all-in-one solution that allows users to design, prototype and collaborate with stakeholders and developers to bring their websites to life.  Additional details here.
  • If you are building a website to showcase your creative work, you can use Adobe Portfolio to create beautiful portfolio websites that can also be connected to the Behance platform.  Additional details here.
  • If you are building one-page websites, such as photo stories, newsletters, or landing pages, you can use Adobe Spark Page to create beautiful responsive web pages with your own unique brand. Additional details here.
In addition to these offerings, Adobe is making our own investment in DIY website creation and welcomes all Muse customers to join our upcoming pre-release program for a new format that will be introduced this year as part of Adobe Spark.  Additional details here.


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