Want to leave M-League? Leave lah

About a week ago four Super League teams and six Premier League outfits were slapped with fines amounting to RM9 million.
Failing to complete their registration within the deadline.

What makes matters worse is that ...

The last day for submission was December 29 last year but was extended TWICE - January 14 and February 3, 2018.

But the teams still given another chance... talian hayat terakhir - can appeal within 14 days (before March 20) to reduce fines.

So who are the infamous M-League teams who did not complete their registration in time?

Super League: Kelantan, Kuala Lumpur, Selangor and PKNS FC - each slapped RM1.5 million in fines.
Premier League: Sarawak, Penang, Kuantan FA, Police, MISC-MIFA and Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) - fined RM500,00 each for a similar offence.
How did the teams react?
They cry lah. Whine lah. Complain lah. No money, how to pay.
Boo hoo!
So Football Malaysia LLP will deduct the fines from the teams' annual grant.
Football Malaysia LLP chief executive Kevin Ramalingam was quoted as saying:

"Some say the fines are too high. Previously, nobody took it seriously when we cut points. Now that we imposed fines, everyone has become aware. Without stern action, they would maintain the same attitude."
Read the report here.

FA of Malaysia president Tunku Ismail Ibrahim was quoted as saying:

"I was informed recently of a case where the document was complete but the treasurer did not submit it. That's not my fault and it shows the weakness of the team's management."

Read the full report here.
My take?
1. An FA has got (give and take) at least 10 officials of various positions. And not even one person can ensure the documents are submitted on time?
2. If you were sitting for an exam, would you ask the invigilator to extend the time just because you can't answer the questions on time?
3. If I were to be the president of the particular teams, I would sack all the officials before doing the honourable thing by quitting. A professional would have been able to ensure things are done in order. 
There's the deputy president, vice president, general-secretary, assistant general secretary, deputy secretary, secretary I, secretary II, blah blah blah ZZzzzzzzzz.... (semua tido).
What irks me the most is there were some who defended those who submitted the documents late.
Have mercy?
The M-League is supposed to be professional. Professionalism includes respecting deadlines - ie. submit all documents on time. No excuses.
If one has failed in respecting the rules and regulations set by the guardians of the M-League, then pay the price.
If one is unhappy with the guardians of the M-League, go invest in another team or manage another football team elsewhere. Malaysia is not the centre of the football universe.
If you can't afford a Ferrari, buy a Proton Saga lah. No shame in that.
If you don't know how to run a Super League or Premier League team, try managing a school team (professionally) first. You could pick up some good administrative skills along the way.


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