See me! KJ summons Danyal over marathon saga

As published in Mailsport today

By Vijhay Vick

PUTRAJAYA — Sports Minister Khairy Jamaluddin has summoned Olympic Council of Malaysia (OCM) vice president Rear Admiral (rtd) Datuk Danyal Balagopal to meet him today.

Khairy wants to get to the bottom of the tiff between OCM and the Malaysian Athletics Federation (MAF) over the Malaysia International Marathon (MIM).

MAF insists the run can only go ahead with its sanctions but Danyal disagrees — even though OCM's executive board last Tuesday agreed to change the name of the run to avoid any conflict.

Khairy said the OCM board must be respected, not undermined.

"I don't know why they have reverted to the original name when it has been established MAF has the authority over the name Malaysia International Marathon. It is governed by MAF," said Khairy.

"I hope Danyal will adhere to the advice of his own executive board. I have asked to meet Danyal tomorrow (today)."

Khairy refused to comment on the internal conflict between OCM's top office bearers and told them "to settle it at their elections". The elections are on Aug 22.

Separately, Khairy dismissed suggestions the Sports Commissioner's Office was a retirement home for sports officials. He insisted Datuk Zaiton Othman, who starts work on Feb 1, was more than capable of handling the job.

"Senior servants previously headed the office but not now. Zaiton has five years of service left so how is it a retirement?

"Ahmad Shapawi (Ismail) was young and efficient and trained good support staff. Zaiton was chosen as she had gone through the system as an athlete.

"Her expertise lies with the welfare of athletes and sports psychology. I told her she could look into the interests of athletes while ensuring national sports associations are in check," said Khairy.


  1. A little bird told me:

    There is an old fart who doesn't want others to get the limelight. If its not him then others can't do it. So he get his old friend who is now back in action to be his barking dog.

    Sports Commissioner, nothing like Elyas Omar. He was the man. Officials pee in their pants. If Zaiton has 'balls', then she should haul up MAAU and bring to light who paid for the doctors and coaches from abroad to inject drugs into our poor athletes. If she can do this, even ministers would shiver.

    My take is..she won't dare la.

  2. It is sad to see even the apex sports body in the country cant get it right on such a simple matter...
    if only the silent majority speak up


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