Dec 29, 2010

Remember this date.

The Malaysian Tigers defied all odds by winning the Asean Cup for the first time.

They managed to defeat Indonesia by a 4-2 aggregate (won 3-0 in Bukit Jalil on Sunday; lost 2-1 in Jakarta minutes earlier).

The Malay Mail's Pearl Lee has urged fellow Malaysians to wear yellow tomorrow in support of the national team.

Well done lads!

11.05pm - PM declares Friday a public holiday.

HD says: Rajagobal sure dapat Datukship, ada public holiday ka besok?


  1. I hope the FA of Malaysia president would present Rajagobal with a Datuk title....a man who has changed the chapters in Malaysian soccer...Sea Games gold, Asia Games second round and AFF Suzuki Champs...We will never know when the next triumph will come but for now lets savour the New Year with these sweet victory..

  2. Datuk to Rajagopal?? no way man.. He is a Raja now... dont insult the man! The title should be "MAHA"..... MAHARajagopal....

  3. Btw.. Heehee....I agree with the "Datuk"

  4. that will be the it . the least Datuk Rajagopal


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