Putrajaya to host Formula E

1What is Formula E?

It is a single-seater championship, under FIA, featuring cars powered by electricity. Races will be held in 1o major cities around the world.

E means electric. But the hardcore petrol heads would cringe and say it's Formula Ewwwwww!

World champion Sebastian Vettel had told Fox Sports he was not a fan of the city racing concept, despite the fact the almost-silent cars are being built by famous F1 names Williams and McLaren.

“I don’t like it at all,” the Red Bull driver said.

“I think the people come here to feel Formula One and there’s not much to feel when a car goes by and you don’t even hear anything else but the wind.

With maximum speeds of 200km/h, it is deemed 'slow'. Even an 800cc easy rider or a modified Perodua Viva can hit speeds exceeding 200km/h easily.

Existing F1 cars, meanwhile, can be configured to do about 386 km/h.

Others, however, are more optimistic.

They say Formula E, being an FIA project, has a promising future. It will not fold unlike the infamous A1 Grand Prix. Dubbed as the 'World Cup for Motorsports', the A1 GP race firm even faced fraud inquiries, as reported here.

Manufacturers stand to gain, in their own way, by competing in Formula E, just like they do in F1, World Rally championship and MotoGP.

More hybrid vehicles are seen on the roads. Formula E could be the perfect experimental ground to push manufacturers to compete against one another and to market their brand in a bid to capture the growing interest.

Formula E could be the future.

Besides Putrajaya the other venues for the race include Beijing, Los Angeles, Rio de Janeiro, Punta Del Este, Buenos Aires, Los Angeles, Miami, Monte Carlo, Berlin and London.

Prime Minister Najib Razak had this to say: "E in Formula E does not only stand for electric and entertainment, but also environment since electric cars are cars of the future.

"By hosting the race, Malaysia would be at the forefront of introducing electric cars to the world."

Read more in The Malay Mail today.

The first race is scheduled in Beijing on Sept 13, 2014 while Putrajaya will host the second race on Oct 18, 2014.

HD says: Let's see what thrills Formula E will have to offer.


  1. Good lah...not much noise. So no need to wear ear plug to watch race.

  2. Hi friends,

    Just recovered from denggi fever...was not able to comment lately.
    During this time there were many happenings took place in Malaysian sports fraternity. The most obvious event being the Sea Games. No doubt the standard of this event is very low in sporting excellence, but we all still look forward to it.
    In the first place, Asean should not give Myanmar the hosting right for this event, considering the human right abuse towards the people of this country. But then most of the Asean leaders if not all are happen to be corrupted and rob the people. This moral decay among the Asean leaders can also be the reason why Asean practices no interference policy among them whenever there is abuse of power - a very unfortunate region we're living in.

    Asean leaders rapes the sports for their popularity and take advantage of such events to wave their hands like circus monkeys desperate for a banana.

    As for the Formula E i wonder how much of the taxpayers money are going to be channeled for this motor sport involving the rich and powerful people in the industry. I am very sure such event will make many cronies and well connected people out there laughing all the way to the bank and cash on the taxpayers money.

    With the cost of living escalating to a worrying level, yet the government is going to use the taxpayers money for the big boys toy.

    Allah please safe this country from the heartless leaders.

    HSKL says: Be frightened when comes to accountability, or face the wrath of Allah as a leader.


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