A Frenz-ly advice to FAM

Is it right for the national team to don the colours of another even for a one-off friendly match?
That seems to be the question raised by many after watching Frenz United FC Under-16 team play Liverpool Under-17 at the Selayang Stadium on Saturday.

Liverpool won 2-1 as Najumuddin Samad scored the solitary goal for Frenz United.

The match, aired live on TV1 and by regional broadcasters Fox Sports, saw a bulk of the national youth players donning Frenz United colours. Even national Under-16 coach S. Balachandran wore a Frenz United jersey.

Many, including those within the FA of Malaysia (FAM), were unable to comprehend the arrangement while the Education Ministry’s sports unit held discussions about the matter.

Any programmes involving school children must obtain the approval of the ministry. Insiders claimed the ministry were unaware the team would play as Frenz United.

“I’m liaising with FAM to sort this matter out as we only deal with the national body,” said sports unit head Ee Hong.

An FAM insider, meanwhile, said: “We are also looking for the same answers as you are. We are equally clueless about this.”

Prima facie, we had a national team masquerading as a club outfit. Why?

Read more in Haresh Says, as published in The Malay Mail today.

HD says: Let's be clear over the arrangement, if there is any.


  1. Malaysian sports with wrong philosophy!

    Winning at all cost seem to be the approach being used by all those people involved in developing Malaysian sports. They are unaware that this approach will only bring out the ugly side in whatever we intended to do.

    To win at all cost has led Bala, and his team a national outfit to simply being used by a private entity for their selfishness. In the first place, how can FAM and the education ministry allow a national team to play a club team? Malaysian football always wants to seek pride and honour which has no dignity and respect to earn by doing so.

    Malaysian football will never improve and progress as wished if winning at all cost approach is given priority in development.

    HSKL says: What happened to the required fundamental in sports

  2. Dear Haresh,

    FAM cannot claim ignorance over the matter? Definitely not la bro! This was clearly coming right from the day Frenz came to our shores. They can be good for our local football despite whatever plans that Frenz might have ultimately. But what I'm trying to say is FAM and local sports media should have seen this coming long ago...not a surprise. Frenz needed a ride but FAM and our local sports media we carried away by their friends. Dont get me wrong, football wise, Frenz can still be good for FAM provided with a clear and strategic collaboration.


  3. Hahah! Malaysia has done a Monomotapa Zimbabwe! Congrats FAM

  4. Hi bro,
    Can someone enlighten us. WHO is FRENZ UNITED


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