National Sports Vision: I want to be optimistic, but ....

Like it or not, such blueprints only serve as eye candy. And the same will be said about the National Sports Vision 2030.

That was the last paragraph of my article published in Twentytwo13 this morning. 

This is not to disrespect the civil servants who have been tasked to come up with the blueprint.

But the content must be strong. The narrative must be stronger and planned even before the announcement is made. This is to ensure constant conversations regarding the vision.

It is also important to obtain the "buy-in" from other ministers/ministries too. 

I must add there should have been more thought put into the National Unity Blueprint 2021-2030 and 10-year Digital Economy Blueprint before they were launched.

Don't let the National Sports Vision turn out to be another "syiok sendiri" effort. I doubt there will be anything new to offer. Let's just start working on getting the basics right.

I mean well. I truly do.


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