Professionalism will go a long way for FAM

Haresh Says, as published in The Malay Mail today.
Q: Should there be changes within the FA of Malaysia (FAM)?

A : Yes!

Q: But why?

A: We are not going anywhere — from the national team to the domestic leagues.

Q: Isn’t that a shallow assessment?

A: Says who? The fans, who have spent money, time and energy over the years demand to see more.

Q: The fans? What do the fans know?

A: Without the fans there would be no teams. Period.

Q: You think it is easy running a national body?

A: No one said it is easy. But it must be done right. FAM can start by making the right decisions, not popular decisions.

Q: So who would best lead FAM?

A: Someone who is willing to make changes and is able to come up with a structured plan. That someone needs to command the respect and get all the affiliates to work together for a common agenda – to push football to the next level.

Q: Do you think the affiliates will make changes?

A: I hope so.

Q: Do you think FAM president Sultan Ahmad Shah (pic) has failed?

A: It is high time to allow someone else to take Malaysian football to the next level.

Q: So would another royalty, in the form of Tengku Abdullah Sultan Ahmad Shah or Johor FA president Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim be suitable to lead FAM?

A: The person who leads FAM needs to have a vision. Not just short-term but long-term. And that person, royalty or commoner, needs to introduce a change in mindset — from the state affiliates to all those working in Wisma FAM. When one heads FAM, he or she is expected to be open to constructive criticism and needs to be transparent.

Q: What is lacking in FAM?

A: Professionalism.

Q: Will the national football development programme, scheduled to be launched on April 10, make a difference?

A: Only time will tell but any initiative to spur and promote talents should be lauded. Q: Would the affiliates vote for change in the 50th FAM Congress on May 25? A: It remains to be seen.

It would be extremely easy to blame the top brass of FAM over the very many issues that continue to plague Malaysian football.

Yet, many tend to forget that the state FAs also have a part to play.

An FAM office bearer, whom I met during the Sportswriters’ Association of Malaysia awards ceremony last week, said: “FAM is made up of state affiliates. Some are headed by politicians or those who use football to advance their political agenda. This has to stop.”

A former footballer, who now runs an academy, said: “We are ever ready to help the state FAs but they often see us as a threat. It’s sad as there is no proper communication between the stakeholders."

It is easy to lambast FAM but what is the solution?

It starts with the simple act of getting professionals to run the show followed by a detailed plan of what the national body would like to achieve in the next five, 10 and 50 years.

To the state affiliates who will be voting on May 25 – think football before you cast your vote. Otherwise, we will be singing the same tune over the next decade or two.
HD says: Would there be significant changes come May 25?


  1. Bro Haresh,

    Nothing will change la bro.....maybe voting count may take 11 hours or more !!!!

    After the elections.......they will take less than 11 mins to decide who among them will go to Brazil for the World Cup.

    Maybe they will take 11 days to decide who among their family members will go to Brazil as well.

    11 days they may stay in Brazil (part funded by FIFA and the other part by the rakyat)

    After that, maybe they will invite 11 coaches from Brazil to try become the national coach.

    11 months later, they will ask the national team to win the SEA games gold and the AFF Cup.

    They are in a different planet lah bro....they not only don't want change but they refuse to change.....real school kids dem.

    Peminat Sukan JB

  2. FAM should govern the sport, not rule it.


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