Where is the money MPC?
On June 29, 2011 I had written the frontpage article ' Paralimpics RM4 million poser ' in The Malay Mail. The article was also featured on Malaysia Today . Almost one year ahead and there is still no sign of the staggering RM4 million "investment" by the Malaysian Paralympic Council (MPC). And the members are getting agitated. The investment was made to an events management company - Paralimpik Ventures Sdn Bhd. Checks revealed the MPC president and his sons are listed as directors of the company. Below is the contents of a letter sent by the Malaysian Blind Sports Association (MBSA) to MPC on April 19, 2012; Bayaran Balik Dari Paralympik Ventures Sdn Bhd Kepada MPM Persatuan Sukan Orang Buta Malaysia (MBSA) iaitu salah satu Ahli Majlis kepada Majlis Paralimpik Malaysia (MPM) ingin bertanya kepada tuan selaku Bendahari MPM sama ada Syarikat Paralimpik Ventures Sdn Bhd telah membayar balik RM2 juta serta 5% faedah bagi 4 tahun kepada MPM. Saya difahamkan b...