Free for all

UPDATE (12.58am): Police confirmed 1 death due to either heart attack or suffocation. Awaiting postmortem results. Read K.Rajan's report in today's The Malay Mail and FA of Malaysia's take on the scenario.

The Malaysia Cup quarter final match (1st leg) between Selangor and Kelantan didn't just ended up with a draw but also with fist fights.

Fans from both teams fought as the players are still kept in the dressing rooms of the Shah Alam Stadium as this posting is being written.

Even reporters are unable to go out due to the chaotic nature. There are claims that groups of fans are involved in fights outside the stadium at the moment.

Unconfirmed reports state that two fans died - one was beaten to death while the other died of a heart attack. Nevertheless, this is being verified with the relevant authorities at this point of time.

The last time such violence was seen was when a Black Maria was set on fire during a Kelantan-Negri Sembilan FA Cup match played in Kota Baru April last year. The Red Warriors lost 2-1 in that match.

HD says: Does not condone fights, but guess the semangat among the fans in local football is still strong.


  1. sad to hear that.. hopefully the SOS Cup this Sat will not postponed as I be coming over.

    Pls do keep us update thanks

  2. Hello mate,

    I totally agree with you the semangat among fans in local football is still strong. Especially in Piala Malaysia.

    Anyway I am hoping you to shed some light on incident involving Khairul Anuar Baharom (yes the headbutt!). How come there is no action taken? Suspension, fine etc. We all know about double standard in FAM but come on it was on the tv, they can't make it too obvious right?


    P/s What team do you follow in Malaysia?

  3. Hie there Davd (or David),

    Thank you for your comments. At least you're also looking at the bigger picture.
    I will also ask the good folks at FAM about Khairul's incident.

    P/s: I grew up following the Kejor Yob Kejor team :)


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