Congrats Santokh, happy birthday FT!

The first sentence Santokh Singh uttered when he got out from the van was "I saw you on tv that day, you should have tarok them more lah."

He was clearly referring to my appearance as a guest on Astro Arena's Kafe Sukan. The subject was naturally about football.

I laughed as we quickly got him ready for a commercial shoot at Cyberjaya. This was a month before last year's World Cup. Between the long hours of the shooting, we spoke about a lot of things - family, football and his sudden illness.

I still enjoy talking to Santokh...opps my's Datuk Santokh Singh now.

The football legend joins former shooter Sabiamad Abdul Ahad in receiving the Panglima Mahkota Wilayah (PMW) in conjunction of the Federal Territories (FT) day today.

Former wushu exponent Ho Ro Bin - who is also no stranger in front of the camera - receives the Johan Mahkota Wilayah (JMW).

Quoting Bernama:

Tiga lagi menerima Kesatria Mahkota Wilayah (KMW) iaitu P. Arivalagan (jurulatih karate kebangsaan), V. Rajamanickam (setiausaha Persatuan Hoki Kuala Lumpur) dan Oh Poh Soon (ketua jurulatih wushu Wilayah Persekutuan).

Setiausaha kehormat Persatuan Bola Baling Kuala Lumpur S. Jayapalan dianugerahkan Ahli Mahkota Wilayah (AMW) manakala jurulatih Persatuan Olahraga Amatur Kuala Lumpur, S. Arunandy dan penolong bendahari Persatuan Bolasepak Kuala Lumpur P. Chandran mendapat Pingat Pangkuan Mahkota Wilayah (PPW).

HD says: Santokh, hope we'll be able to meet up for 'cha' (tea) at Jln Genting Klang. The only award I'll be getting today is some good ol' home cooked food!


  1. Did Rajagobal get his title?I mean The Star ran a story saying that he will be honoured while non of the main-stream media had the story>

  2. I didn't see his name in the list of recipients. I'm sure he'll be getting it soon tho :)

  3. Hope he gets it soon...he deserves it...Gong Xi Fa Chai


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