Last minute inspection?

Just got a phone call (8.05pm) from a friend in Kuala Terengganu. And it goes like this.

"Bro, game KL dgn Ganu nak start kul 8.45pm. Tapi FAM baru nak inspect stadium bro. Satu pylon floodlight tiba-tiba tak berfungsi. Aku update bro kalu match jalan ke tak."

My reply..."Huh?!??!"

FYI, KL are forced to play their home match against Terengganu at the Sultan Ismail Nasiruddin Shah Stadium after the KL Stadium in Cheras was deemed 'unfit'.

Will update soon...

UPDATE (8.13pm): Friend called back again and this is what he said;

"Bro, FAM pass padang so game jalan. Lampu diaorang off untuk cool down. Apa yg pelik kalu padang tak pass, takkan nak postpone match macam tu jer. Kesian team KL, mengamuk fans Ganu nanti."

HD says: Ayoyo...


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