Name a team that plays more football than Kelantan...

...and you'll get a treat from Kelantan coach Bojan Hodak (pic).

And before the FA of Malaysia (FAM) gets excited and tries to slap Hodak with an Article 88, fret not as he is NOT complaining.

As far as Hodak is concerned, being good comes with a price as the Red Warriors are playing in numerous tournaments (Super League, FA Cup and AFC Cup) at one go.

Unlike his counterpart in Selangor Irfan Bakti, Hodak insists he is treating all competitions with equal importance.

Read the full article in Mailsport.

Irfan, meanwhile, has set his sights on the FA Cup. Having wounded the Darul Takzim FC, better known as the Southern Tigers, in the first leg of the FA Cup quarterfinals, Irfan is expecting the southern team to bounce back and he would love the challenge.

Read Irfan's take here.

HD says: Very difficult to talk these days.


  1. Walaupun saya kurang senang dengan penjadualan MSL dan Piala FA, saya suka sikap Bojan.

    Matlamat adalah ke puncak, setiap kali; buat yang terbaik, sepanjang masa. Kalau diperlaku secara tidak adil - don't get mad, get even; or better; get back at a million times owed to you.

    HD, to me, Bojan is a Kelantanese.

    Why not, his passion (in football) was often missunderstood as being "gedebe" (with the match officials).

    Bagi Irfan pula, merehatkan beberapa pemain utama dalam AFC untuk menghadapi JDT, itu kita panggil "calculated choice".


  2. “Memang tiada tarikh yang sesuai melainkan mereka (Kelantan) tersingkir dari Piala Konfederasi Bola Sepak Asia (AFC) mahupun Piala FA." - Datuk Ahmad Fuad Daud, PENOLONG Setiausaha Agung Persatuan Bola Sepak Malaysia (FAM) -

    HD, any comment?

    Is he a candidate to replace Judin?



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