
That's the reaction I get from most of the footballers, I kid you not.

Two years since the launch of the Professional Footballers' Association of Malaysia (PFAM) and no one knows what its' real functions are.

I bet former Mailsport editor Tony Mariadass, who wrote a skeptical piece on PFAM back then, is having the last laugh.

But it's no laughing matter for the players. They do not have a single entity representing them, safeguarding their interest.

All this and more in today's From the Sidelines.

HD says: Sigh.


  1. HD...funny you used TM's comments as a reference. Perhaps you forgot his past consultant for MSN.....before moving to Tourism Ministry asCoordinator of Shopping Malls or something like that. I still remember reading Citizen Nades's column about the confrontation with TM about his comments (and Terence Fernandez)...Pot calling kettle black...
    Question for much were paid for being a consultant with the Tourism Ministry/

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. PFA Msia mmg banyak problem bro. Hancuss.

  4. Folks, the subject matter is PFAM and not the individuals mentioned above.


  5. ER sudah hilang mana?

  6. bro what you are mubling about last nite during 'dengan izin' rizal. no class la bro.


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