What schools sports?

Schools sports have always been close to my heart.

I started my career in journalism by covering school-level tournaments before graduating to the senior level - a luxury not many journalists have today as most seem to immediately cover the major stuff.

I remember writing about Kevinder Singh during his days with Royal Military College. Some made it beyond the schools level. Most simply disappeared from the scene.

I also remember doing my Basic Sports Administration Course under the International Olympic Council together with Education Ministry sports unit head Ee Hong. She was just placed into the hot seat then and wanted to educate herself further in sports. Such an attitude ought to be applauded.

Then we have Education Minister Muhyiddin Yassin trying to leave a legacy by introducing the 1Student 1Sport programme. Noble as it may sound, the reality is that students in the 80s and 90s grew up with the requirement of having to take up at least 1 sport, 1 uniformed body and 1 club / society. That's like 1Student 3Activities. Sadly, we all know many who escaped their schooling days having not joined a single activity.

Those who received education in the 60s and 70s say it was sports all year long.

Recently Ee Hong admitted the school scene needs a revamp as seen here.

In fact the whole academic orientated schooling system needs a revamp. Yet, all we typically do is talk but what is the solution?

It is easier said than done as we need to complete overhaul. From the structure to the teachers to the attitude of students. Yes, the attitude of students and parents play an important role as we often hear excuses of "pergi tuition" is more important than playing a sport.

Kalau setakat dapat 4A untuk UPSR atau 7A untuk PMR bukannye gerenti boleh jadi angkasawan.

Education is important and a basic right for every individual but we need to go back and understand our Education Philosophy;

"Pendidikan di Malaysia adalah satu usaha berterusan ke arah memperkembangankan lagi potensi individu secara menyeluruh dan bersepadu untuk mewujudkan insan yang seimbang dan harmonis dari segi intelek, rohani, emosi, dan jasmani berdasarkan kepada kepercayaan dan kepatuhan kepada Tuhan. Usaha ini adalah bagi melahirkan rakyat Malaysia yang berilmu, bertanggungjawab dan berkeupayaan mencapai kesejahteraan diri serta memberi sumbangan terhadap keharmonian dan kemakmuran masyarakat dan negara. "

Have we achieved the objectives of the philosophy?

HD says: Wished there were more pages dedicated to schools sports.


  1. Try search facebook pages such as Liga Juara Permas,PJ4 Football Club,SK Permas Jaya 3 Fc,it show that our teacher has try their best to help our nation to produce good athletes,I think others should help and support them


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