A picture is worth a 1000 words

The picture was taken at the EPL Masters yesterday.

Need I say more?

On the same subject, FA of Malaysia deputy president Tengku Abdullah Sultan Ahmad Shah was quoted by Bernama as saying;

If the players and team management does not know the implication of the current ranking, especially the players, it will be a big blow to the image of the country's football. 

Harian Metro, meanwhile, reported;

Bagaimanapun apa yang disuarakan Tengku Abdullah itu tampak bercanggah dengan kenyataan pegawai badan induk itu sebelum ini.
Setiausaha Agung FAM, Datuk Azzuddin Ahmad dan pengurus pasukan, Datuk Subahan Kamal tidak panik dengan kedudukan terbaru Malaysia di tangga ke-156 dunia, penurunan paling buruk sejak Januari lalu, berbanding 148 apabila menganggap ranking tidak penting kerana ia tidak menggambarkan kekuatan sebenar Harimau Malaya.

Oh well..

HD says: Still wondering if Tengku Abdullah will be hauled up by the Disciplinary Board for his comments? (sic).


  1. Kalau nak ambil tindakan jangan pilih bulu. Jangan sekejap tegas , sekejap lembut. Rakyat Malaysia sedang memerhati FAM......

  2. another slam to FAM...from Khalid Ali..


    1. Respect another blogger's opinion but don't want to touch on that posting. Quite defamatory if you asked me.

  3. 1. As far as I know, you only need a work permit in UK-based leagues. Go on trial to Romania, impress the manager and you'll be on the team. Mozambique and Liberia have players in the Romanian Liga I.
    2. Teams will be eager to play if you offer them money.
    3. There is football outside of AFC and teams that would help Malaysia's ranking.

  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=nh406gK4YyA I realy like this...kalau boleh buat masa match FA cup nanti,,Kenapa takdak sorang wartawan arus perdana tulis rencana kegagalan mentadbir bolasepak Malaysia,Tolong lah peminat bola sepak Malaysia kami sudah bersedia unuk melihat tranformasi FAM,Dan amat berharap jika presiden baru bukanlah anak presiden yang dulu,sebaiknay ambillah calon yang lebih layak.

  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=nh406gK4YyA VIDEO NI lagi best,,TERUS TERANG Bagi mesej, lagi satu hal dimana peranan media aurus perdana,tiada wartawan yang berani tulis artikel kegagalan presiden FAM sejak 20Tahun dahulu,jika benar presiden FAM ingin letak jawatan,lebih elok di takdbir oleh calon yang layak ,bukan dengan mencalonkan anak presiden .


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