Judge walks out...

Judge Datuk Hanipah Farukillah then asked (National Sports Council lawyer) Mohamed Bustaman Abdullah to move on with other questions, but he persisted with it.

Out of the blue, Hanipah, who looked angry, walked out of the court room without uttering a word.

When the proceedings resumed five minutes later, Mohamed Bustaman apologised to both Hanipah and Sieh.

"Please use proper phrases when putting questions to the witness and try not to indicate that the government is the owner of the design," Hanipah said.

Read the full report in today's The Malay Mail here.

Oh, there is an article here suggesting how vital ethics are for lawyers as seen here. The write up was prompted by the video below.

HD says: Not cool, not cool at all...


  1. Mana anon-anon msn sekarang? lidah dah kelu? boleh blah la!

  2. LOL. get your facts rights. oh the name of the judge is Hanipah Farikullah btw.

  3. wait for the judge to make decision and we save the best laugh later ok nama saya bob (by the way you also anon since no father will name their son nama saya bob. comprandeee

  4. haiyaa.... banyak sakit aaa....

  5. Zol n NSC is a joke :)


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