NSI CEO saga: "I've not exhauted all options"

National Sports Institute chief executive officer Dr Ramlan Aziz has been asked to leave the hot seat - yet again.

Apparently he was supposed to be the Sports Medicine Division Director on June 15.

The letter was said to be signed by Sports Ministry's secretary-general Mohid Mohamed (pic), who apparently felt a little "cold" when he was called as a witness in the first day of the National Sports Council-Mesuma case (tiger-stripe issue) at the Jalan Duta courtroom yesterday.

It is learnt that Dr Yeo Wee Kian has been asked to stand in as the temporary CEO.

Ramlan confirmed the re-designation on Astro Awani's (501) 1pm bulletin yesterday but declined to speak further.

He believes he is still the CEO until he receives a direction from the Sports Minister, Ahmad Shabery Cheek, as stated in the NSI Act 2011.

However, Ramlan believes he has "not exhausted all options."

It remains unclear to why Ramlan is being ask to vacate the seat for there has not been any memo or warning letters issued. This has been on-going for several months as exposed by this blog here, here and here.

HD says: Can we get this done and over with? Mr Minister, takkan nak dok membisu je? Either keep him or sack him. Period!


  1. Agreed! Keep him or have the scortal gumption to sack him!

  2. No matter how hard our PM tries to improve governance system within civil service, our little napoleon's within the system will still be acting as though they are the god.

    1. you mean the Botak acting like a God! can sack people just like that..for his own benefits? Hey common!

  3. that is why sports in malaysia is not improving with this type of sports ministers and ministry officials. what happened to all the public fields. not wonder the crime rate has increased as teenagers have no where to go.

  4. It happen to all expert who comment here.. Whose no nothing inside nsi...easy to comment right? What happen staff in nsi? Do you know?

    1. Matsushita today is a globally recognized organization. At one point the founder of Matsushita sacked all his staffs and closed his company for 3 months. He used the 3 months to go around searching and hiring the best brain in Japan before re-opening his company. As a result of his action then is what Matsushita is today. For some reason if staffs in NSI leaves, it should not be made as an excuse to make it look the management of NSI is bad. After all NSI is a newly gazetted organization.

    2. some staff in NSI have over-ruled their Boss. Gov. still keep this kinda people around. If in corporate sector those staff who have misconduct, inquiry them and worst, sack them. Can't keep too long as they will become cancerous.

  5. Shocking to say the least. If you want to sack the gut, at least have the decency to go through the proper process. Malu lah, we seem to look like the wild wild west.

  6. Haresh just read your article about the tiger stripe and was wondering whether KBS knows how to first work with private and corporate agencies. Understand its dynamics and legal remifications. Having read this and looking into your previous article, looks like KBS is anytime in for a major lawsuit against them. Just look into what happened during the so called Himpunan Belia. The minister better not be seeking re-election as he just shot himself on foot with all this going on in KBS. Its high time for a new government to put proper governance into place.

  7. According to the act, only the Minister has the jurisdiction to appoint or remove a CEO in ISN (based on what I read in the act which is mounted in the website).The Minister seems to be keeping very silent on this matter either because he does not how to handle this situation or maybe because he is part of the coup to throw Dr Ramlan out. Whatever the reason, our Sports Minister's inaction only shows how far our sports in this country can go.

    1. Hello New KSN! don't take too long to digest of all ongoing cases laaa. Look into that KSU rather than people down there.


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