LCW smashes Zolkples

UPDATE 2.59pm: Was informed a meeting between Chong Wei and Zolkples, arranged by a third party (not from BAM), was held earlier this morning followed by a press conference. Both parties have kissed and made up.


That is the backpage of today's Mailsport.

I knew Lee Chong Wei's absences would be an issue as per my piece - Chong Wei "sakit" hati - posted minutes after the National Sports Award ceremony ended on Tuesday.

Harian Metro quoted National Sports Council director general Zolkples Embong as saying;

“Mungkin hadiah RM20,000 itu tidak bernilai bagi orang yang berpendapatan RM2 atau RM3 juta setahun tapi bagi atlet lain seperti Pandelela Rinong yang pendapatannya kurang daripada RM50,000 setahun, nilai itu cukup besar. Mungkin kita kena naikkan nilai hadiah menjadi RM200,000 baru Chong Wei mahu hadir."

Berita Harian said Zolkples had "...menghantar khidmat pesanan ringkas (SMS) kepada Chong Wei dan juga pegawai kanan Persatuan Badminton Malaysia untuk memastikan jaguh negara itu hadir, tapi kesudahannya dia hanya dipalit kecewa."

Often seen as the NSC's blue-eyed boy, the comments made by Zolkples certainly raised eyebrows.

And below is the conversation I had with Chong Wei.

HD: Hello bro, how are you?
LCW: I ok bro.

HD: You free tak? Need to talk something-lah.
LCW: Actually I on the way nak jumpa Datin Seri Rosmah tapi takpe, saya boleh talk.

HD: Honestly, saya malas nak tanya you pasal benda nie. Malas kerana mesti jadi isu besar punya tapi saya tahu kenapa you take pergi Majlis. Tapi up to you, you nak talk or tak nak talk I leave it to you.
LCW: Takpe bro. I tahu apa you mau tanya. Saya sudah baca itu statement semua. Dia (Zolkples) mula dulu bukan saya.

HD: So kenapa you take pergi?
LCW: Saya demam, tak berapa sihat. Association ada inform saya tapi saya beritahu mereka saya tak sihat. Tapi dia salahkan association. Chin Chai ada call me tapi saya tak nak pergi kerana sakit.

HD: Tapi saya dengar you tak mau pergi kerana sakit hati...last year you sepatutnya menang tapi orang lain menang.
LCW: It memang confirm saya tak happy. How they do the pilihan saya pun tak tahu. Siapa buat pilihan, ramai-ramai atau satu orang? Memang tak puas hati kerana walaupun dia (Azizulhasni Awang) world best tapi saya masa itu pun world No 1? Macam mana dia (pihak juri) kira?

HD: Tapi dia cakap you selalu tak pergi event...
LCW: Banyak event saya tak pergi kerana letak event pukul 3, 4 petang. Mana dia boleh blame association. Saya training la bro, macam mana mau pergi. Saya profesional atlit, saya kena train. Kalau saya tak perform atau kalah diorang first untuk hentam saya.

HD: Bro, saya tak mau benda ini jadi isu besar. Jangan nanti Zol dengan you....
LCW: Bukan saya mula, dia yang mula dulu.

We managed to discuss other matters too.

By the way, Mailsport reporter Vijhay Vick was also privy to the conversation above. Kalau tak caya sama saya, tanya sama dia.

I was also informed Chong Wei is set to meet Zolkples today. Well and good and I hope for a good outcome between both parties.

But the nagging question remains - why the outburst eh?

Note: I merely wrote what Chong Wei said to me. Period.

HD says: Another day in Malaysian sports.....


  1. Hahaha, not feeling well ka?? But on the same day, LCW still active buat light training. And it was learnt that LCW msg Zol a day earlier, he's sending his brother to take the trophy frm Agong. Dia sudah plan awal lagi la bro xmau dtg jumpa Agong.

  2. My suggestion for MSN next year, tak payah panggil Agong tp suruh Rosmah bagi, sure LCW dtg punya.

  3. My suggestion for MSN, next year suruh Rosmah bg award, LCW tak pandang sama itu Agong.

    1. majulah sukan untuk negaraApril 20, 2012 at 9:50 AM

      Ada org jugak berani sound MSN. Ingat semua tau ampu MSN jer. Kekeke.

  4. with 98 days to go until the start of the London 2012 Olympic Games... supposed to be we should working hard to ensure athletes keeping focused on the competition... as they make their final preparations for the 2012 Games... & this is not the time for anything new or issues like this... rite!

    1. Pandalela also in the preparation for Olympic la RUssia lg bro, but still managed to come...

    2. With 98 days to go before the Olympics...u don't try to make mountains out of molehills! Agree with HD on last years awards (no disrespect to Azizulhasni).

  5. Banyaknye Anon. Staf MSN??

    Anon 2.0

    1. Amin...nak bodek Boss le....

    2. Sapa anon atas nee?? Hahaha staf mana pulak wakakaka

  6. Dia rasa "offended" orang lain last year menang award????...power betul ayat ko tu LCW...

    1. ntah..patut graceful la in least ko dpt datukship..kalu ko menang, azizulhasni ckp mcm ko ckp kt HD, x plak ko kecik ati..adeh..pape pun good luck for the olympics..tgk sape menang gold dlu..azizulhasni ke datuk..

  7. This is not the first time DLCW ditnt come for the ASN. Please check why he didn't come previous year and not just last year. Anyway DLCW was world no 1 last year by virtue of lindan absence in many competition..check your fact


  8. Betol lah kata Dato LCW. He is professional maa not politician like dato zol oops now dato seri lagi..not like him lah i rub your back you rub my back and dia buat semua sebab nak `name' lepas tu dapat pangkat. Now nak GE lagi gabrah lah..cari duit sane sini. Haiyo! What is rakyat concern is atheletes' performance kalau nak bagi award biar ikhlas lah oi! jika tak datang so what? Award ceremony sepatutnya pun tak payah ade! do for what? pikirlah duit rakyat yang kau gunakan for all that! and Dato LCW is public figure (kepunyaan rakyat) bukan hak Dia maaaa.

  9. Why org yg kutuk lcw sounds like from one race only? Try to look at the bigger picture - if you don't like lcw, ask him to leave msn or malaysia because i heard neighbouring country is ready to make him a good offer. Before this when lcw tried to go solo without attaching to any association but look at what happened? It became big issues right? Please understand not many local athletes is helping our sport association to make money as much as lcw does. Not many does not refers to none - please be clear on that fact.

    Bagi saya, senang je nak selesai isu camni. Kalau lcw tak dpt hadir, bagi jer award tu kat sesiapa yg sudi hadir. Ramai lagi atlit lain yg layak untuk dapat anugerah dan tak semestinya cuma kena bagi lcw.


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