Shahidan ingin lepas jawatan dari Perlis FA.

Laporan dibawah diperolehi daripada agensi berita negara Bernama. Pendapat saya tertera dalam ink merah.

KANGAR, 22 Julai (Bernama) -- Presiden Persatuan Bola Sepak Perlis (PFA), Datuk Seri Dr Shahidan Kassim (gambar) hari ini menyatakan hasrat untuk berundur daripada meneraju persatuan itu jika ada pihak lain yang berminat menggantikannya.
No, this is not an April Fool's joke. Erm, lepas jawatan dari Persekutuan Olahraga Malaysia sekali ke?

Beliau yang menawarkan jawatan itu kepada Menteri Besar Perlis Datuk Seri Md Isa Sabu, berkata PFA memerlukan peruntukan yang besar untuk kembali gah dalam saingan liga.
Maksudnye harap duit kerajaan negeri lagi?

"Saya tahu beliau (Md Isa) tak minat bola sepak, tetapi beliau mempunyai sumber kewangan untuk meneraju sukan ini," katanya pada sidang media, di sini.
Macam perli je....

Shahidan berkata kekangan kewangan menyebabkan PFA gagal menyerlah dalam saingan Liga Perdana musim ini sehingga terpaksa beraksi dalam Liga FAM musim depan.
Bola sepak 'profesional' bukan murah.

Katanya sejak meneraju PFA pada 1998, beliau berkorban dari segi kewangan demi memastikan skuad Singa Utara yang pernah menjulang Piala Malaysia pada 2004 dan 2006 itu terus hidup.   
Kalau pakai duit sendiri baik tukar nama Perlis FA kepada Shahidan Kassim FA. Tak adil lah kalau presiden asyik kena keluar duit.

Beliau turut mengaitkan kegagalan musim ini dengan penyelewengan segelintir pemain Perlis.
Ada bukti tak?  Atau mungkin pasukan Perlis memang tak layak main Liga Super musim ini?

Pada masa yang Shahidan meminta Persatuan Bolasepak Malaysia (FAM) menetapkan garis panduan berkenaan gaji pemain, agar tidak timbul perbezaan ketara antara pemain pasukan 'kaya' dan 'miskin' sehingga menimbulkan kesan negatif kepada pemain itu sendiri.
Kalau mampu pakai la Porsche Panamera, kalau tak mampu pakai Nissan Sunny 130Y yang bumper-nye ada shock absorber (my first and best car I've ever driver). Sisihkan lah mentaliti Courts Mammoth - ambil dulu bayar kemudian.

HD kata: To be fair, at least Shahidan is taking responsibility for the team's failure. Yang lain pulak macam mana?


  1. Shahidan is one of the biggest clown is Malaysia and he still makes me laugh my arse off! I guess the joke will stop if he quits KOM. What a wanker!


  2. by the way he also president for ASUM. and 8 diver, 1 open water and 1 swimming athlete compete in this Olympic. so did he still a joker anon 7.54am???

    1. yeah, as if he knows anything about diving and swimming! he's doesn't even know some of the athletes name!
      the success of diving is ALL due to the efforts of Coach Yang..nothing to do with this clown.


    2. Yet u blame him when it relate to athletic. The president provide leadership n pick the right technical know how person to manage it.

    3. leadership? u mean lack of leadership, right?
      pick the right technical know how person? u mean Karim Ibrahim, the destroyer of Malaysian athletics?
      please...stop defending this clown...


  3. Haresh, I like your last para "Yang lain macam mana?". I hope FAM is reading this.

    Pak Nik

    1. Agreed with u Pak Nik, at least Shahidan brave enough to resign his position from PFA. How about others clown at FAM??????

  4. It is time for him to leave sports associations. He does not attend meetings. He does not know what his deputies are doing. He does not know anything about the sports he haeds. But wants the limelight. Now Perlis is down, he wants to wash his hands. He is not a responsible leader. If he is , he will work hard towards making Perlis Singa utara

  5. HI HD,
    I think u should ask some jokers at FAM to step down too....

  6. He wants to give the post to the menteri besar yet the menteri besar doesn't watch football? This is a joke is it? Give it to someone knows football lah. Why want the state government money? Go find sponsors lah. I just hate it la the situation in Malaysia here in terms of football. Always want the state government money, always want FAM grants, etc etc. why can't they just find some sponsors. Did you this kind of situation in EPL, LA LIGA, BUNDESLIGA OR EVEN J LEAGUE! Seriously this is not professional. Please lah! Stop la asking money from government. Make your own money la. Find sponsor. Go visit the EPL officials or J league official on how they run the league. Simple things also cannot do.


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