Sukma - an expensive ego?

A staggering RM70 million will be used for the administration, organisation, opening and closing ceremonies for the Malaysia Games (Sukma) in Pahang.

This includes payment to a production company owned by a local leading artist where insiders revealed is believed to be more than RM2 million.

Sukma secretariat Chief Executive Officer Ahmad Hairi Bin Hussain revealed the figures to the author on Friday but stopped short at disclosing the amount paid to the production house.

“Yes, Siti Nurhaliza Productions is tasked to conduct the opening ceremony but I’m sorry, it will be unfair to them if I disclosed the exact figure involved,” explained Ahmad Hairi.

“The total cost for the Games is RM238 million. From that sum, RM159 million was spent on infrastructure including constructing new facilities and upgrading the old ones, RM9 million on equipment and the balance is for the administration, orgainisation, food and the opening and closing ceremonies,” he added.

The national Games is scheduled from July 7 to 16 and will be held in various locations in the state including Kuantan, Pekan and Temerloh.

Ahmad Hairi added the facilities in Pahang are all ready for use.

“It is safe to say we are 100 percent ready and geared up for the Games.”
The escalating costs of organising Games has been a subject of debate worldwide.

An editorial in UK's The Independent in 2010 ended the column by saying;

The Commonwealth Games and the Olympics have nothing to do with sport and everything to do with egos.

Times chief sports writer Simon Barnes had this to say;

Four years ago we learnt with aching precision that the Chinese Army is good at doing what it’s told. Loved the goose stepping. They had 2,000 synchronised drummers; how marvellous do you think that was in the stadium? Not marvellous at all, actually, just loud and boastful and vulgar and really rather dull. Maybe London can now afford 4,000 drummers drumming.

Sukma is important but isn't the amount just too ridiculously high for a 10 day event?

Also, from the millions spent, does it justify the quality and quantity of athletes that go on to represent the nation in the international arena? Shouldn't the same money be better spent elsewhere - like helping the Pahang HA to finally set up a proper league by building more turfs in the state?

 HD says: Hmm...


  1. Opening and closing ceremony RM2 Juta!! BiarBenar??


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