'What NSAs do, whose interests they serve?'


I was tagged in Bangi MP Ong Kian Ming's tweet this morning.

I have strong views about national sports associations (NSAs). Nevertheless, I felt the MP, who is a quite a sports enthusiast, had to be educated about the national sports system. This was my reply to him:

Good morning, YB 

1. The athletes mentioned were nurtured by the respective state/NSAs, esp during early days. Eg. Lee Chong Wei was part of the BA of Malaysia's system until he retired.

2. The athletes receive(d) monthly allowances from the government via the National Sports Council. 

3. Can NSAs do more? YES!

4. Elite athletes/teams should rightfully secure their own funding via sponsorships. That's professionalism. Govt RM (money) should be used for infra(structure), schools. (It's) Wrong for state govts to spend so much on state football teams. 

5. NSAs must evolve, monetise assets. They rely too much on NSC.

Yes, I strongly believe NSAs rely too much on NSC and then whine that NSC lords over them. In simple terms, if you want money from me, you follow my rules. Otherwise, go find your own funds.

I also believe NSAs can do much more. 10-odd office bearers and I wonder what are their contributions to their respective sports in terms of ideas, monetisation plans and charting development programmes. Usually, only a handful will be getting the ball rolling.

State affiliates too must buck up. 

However, it is unfair to generalise for there are state and national sports associations that have done well.

One key lesson - an MP did not seem to have a good view about NSAs as per his tweet. Imagine what the average Malaysian thinks of NSAs.

Don't be quick to penalise Ong. At least he cares about Malaysian sports despite his not so informed view which he has quickly apologised for.

Educate. It's best for NSA to communicate. It's best for NSAs to show what they have and are capable of doing.

Otherwise, the NSAs will continued to be viewed in bad light.


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