FAM League could be scrapped.

Another coach, speaking on anonymity for fear of being penalised by FAM for “speaking against policy matters”, added the insurance payment fiasco should have been addressed by the national body earlier and not at the eleventh hour.

“Did the competition committee just wake up by suddenly deciding to meet the teams and asking them to pay up before the league starts hardly a week later?” he questioned. - as published in today's Mailsport.

The letter (pic) was sent out on Jan 25.

Need I say more?

HD says: Special meeting at 3pm on match-fixing. Let's see how that goes.


  1. An oversight or lack of foresight of the Competition Department as usual.

  2. Competition Department???Again??? After a confuse letter to PBSNT...Midin oh Midin?

    But, dont worry..what ever it is, your seat will be remained and your state's FA will win the BEST FA for this year AGAIN...



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