Of being 'kurang ajar' and 'insenstive'

I was labeled ‘kurang ajar’ and 'insensitive' by some ‘ardent’ viewers of Astro Arena’s (801) Kafe Sukan over my take on the Malaysian sports scene during an old episode of the show.

They shared their thoughts on the programme’s facebook account. I, by choice, do not have a facebook account and was only able to view the comments made earlier this morning, thanks to a mutual friend.

I respect opinions, but despise the need to ridicule my -or anyone’s- ethnic background.

Just to clarify;
1. I am NOT a Singaporean. Born in Taiping, bred in KL I am a proud student of Methodist Boys School Sentul.

2. I am for legalised sports betting ONLY if the profits return to sports. My earlier posting ‘I’d bet on nothing…’ says it all.

3. I am not racist. I’m able to converse in Cantonese, love Nasi Dagang with ulam and budu and do watch good Mollywood films. I respect all.

4. I will not apologise for sticking to my guns.

p/s: Thank you to Rizal and Slamet for handling the matter professionally. Cheers!

HD says; Apo nak dikato.


  1. ignore those imbeciles. personally i think some of the members of the FB group ought to be removed. Banned forever. Dissenting views are ok but once they get personal, things can turn ugly.

  2. Alah, yg tengok program Arena kebanyakannye mentality kampong lah. Apa yg hang cakap tu pendapat hang, kalau setuju ok la, kalau tak setuju respect la pendapat org lain. Apa kena-mengena dgn warna kulit hang?

  3. ..enjoy nasi with ulam and budu, hey?..hmm..a blogger on sports after my own heart..will treat u to the best of ulam and budu anytime u r in Bachok..no..you dont have to apologise for sticking to your guns..so long as it doesn't misfire..:) cheers

  4. Thanks Pak Mat, could you also throw in Nasi Dagang and Kerabu. Can't seem to find a proper place in KL. Cheers!


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